coping with nausea


Active Member
Feb 8, 2012
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So far I haven't had any sign of actual morning sickness, but I've had such extreme nausea that sometimes I wish I was sick!
It's getting to the point where I'm finding it difficult to work as it get so bad I can't move for fear of throwing up.
I'm doing all the usual like nibbling ginger biscuits, having water frequently, lying down etc etc.
Apparently it will subside at 12 weeks but that's still a whole month to go!
Aww hugs, its awful isn't it! Mine started like that where I just felt the need to puke but never did. I found ice lollies eased it slightly and also sips of lucozade! I hope it doesn't get worse for you xxxx

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me too! feeling very sorry for myself and it makes it so much harder that I can't even tell people why!
(my partner and i are waiting for 12 weeks to share the news)
I had the nausea and no sickness, lemonade worked a treat for me x
Sorry to hear you are suffering, it does ease a bit, I promise

Keeping fluid levels up worked for me, fizzy water if I could stand it otherwise flat drinks. I found it was worse the next day if I didnt drink enough. 8 glasses min a day.

try anything minty .. toothpaste , mints, chewing gum its supposed to stablise

worth a try and dont work to hard hunnyyyy x
I always took a tub of fruit veg and cheese cubes to work, they sat on my desk to graze at all morning, and so I never needed to end up in the loo, giving the game away! People just thought I was being healthy!

Chop carrot sticks, Apple peices, grapes , sweet peppers like orange and yellow, and mild cheder cheese.

Honestly it was a godsend, the protein in the cheese seemed to sit in my tum and prevent the nasuea

good luck
I'm exactly the same as JJ, been pretty safe as I was eating little and often but the other day I was at training and didn't want to look like a rabbit nibbling away and I've never felt so ill. Eating regularly helps xx
I have tried everything and nothing is working I feel so poorly
Oh you poor thing Amy. Some people do get it really bad, makes me realise how lucky I've been. X
I've not been sick but I'm really nauseous all day, I feel terrible too!:wall2:

To start with it was just a nauseous feeling I had never had the feeling of needing to be or actually being sick but the past week or so it has got to the stage where on a couple of occasions I have had to make myself sick or been sick naturally. I am trying to stay off fizzy drinks but its what seems to settle my stomach most I dont understand it. Also softmints (the blue packet) are really good for keeping nausea at bay until I get something to eat.

Hope it gets better for you xx

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