Coolbeans birth story!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Hi girls, just got a bit of time to finally write my birth story down!

So as you all know I was the last of the March ladies to have my baby, so after 12 days overdue I went into hospital on Easter Sunday to be induced. We got in at 9am ad she inserted the pessary at 10.30, I was 1cm dilated at the time. The midwife explained that I would have this in for 24 hours and the next day at 10.30am they would break my waters to induce labour. I was the admitted to the ward. Hubby and I had lunch in the cafe and we decided he would go home at 4pm to get a good night sleep and he would be back 8am next morning.

Well, by 7pm I was getting really bad period type pains which radiated around my back and I asked for some paracetamol just to take the edge off - this was pointless as I was sick straight after! The pain then started to get really bad so I called hubby back and he arrived with me at 8pm by which point the midwife examined me but I was only 2cm, she gave me a technique to breathe through the pain and just left us. I laid on the bed with my eyes shut just breathing through each contraction. As we were not in established labour we were still on the ward at the time.

At 11pm I had a massive bloody show, and on examination I was 6cm dilated so we went to the labour ward, I had gas and air and because my blood pressure was high she recommended diamorphine - I was apparently talking all sorts of nonsense at this point!! I was quite sick so they put in a drip - the dr did 2 failed canula attempts and my poor hand is black and blue! Finally at around 4.45am I was 10cm dilated and ready to push - I don't remember too much but I was pushing for 2 hours and still no baby - the heartbeat dropped completed and then suddenly there was about 6 people in the room all saying I needed forceps delivery - which I really didn't want. I begged for ventouse - they agreed and they gave me an episiotomy ( dr didn't numb it properly!) then Isla's heartbeat seemed to completely stopped - although we since learnt that it had just dipped really low that we couldn't hear it - and my poor hubby was crying and I was just like where is my baby! With one almighty push I got her around the pelvis and the ventouse sucked her out! She had the cord around her neck. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1334335191.201776.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1334335209.475949.jpgthey put her on me and I just couldn't believe how amazing she was! We were team yellow and it was so amazing to be told we had a little girl. Isla Rose was born on 9th April 2012 at 7.11am weighing 6lb 14oz.

I was stitched up - again dr didn't anaesthetise me properly and I had to shout that I could feel it!

We were admitted to the ward and got to come home the next day. I am a bit sore from the episiotomy and a bit anaemic as lost 800ml of blood. It is so amazing to be home she is totally gorgeous and has settled in really well.

Really glad to finally be able to join you guys in the baby and toddler section. Thank you for all your kind messages and thanks wannabmummy for being my bump buddy and updating everyone.

Couple of pics of my gorgeous girl attached :-)
Congrats, she's a little beauty :) xxxx
Im sure she was worth the wait, congratulations she is beautiful.

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All worth it in the end shes gawjus congratulations 2 u and ur partner x
Congratulations hun, she's beatifull xx

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Awww honey well done you!! So proud of you and Isla is absolutely gorgeous!! So pleased you can join us in B & T xxxx
So lovely to read your story and since it looks like I'm heading for induction myself in we'd, nice to read about one that didn't last for days

Congratulations Isla is beautiful xx
Glad she is here safe and sound. She's a little beaut. Sorry you had a bad time of it.

Take it easy and enjoy your little lady xx
Well done and congrats on your gorgous little Isla XX

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