Contradicting signs


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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On Sat I did a HPT and it was a BFN. I was CD32 so approx 2 days late for AF and approx 12DPO or so I thought. I only did a test cos I had been cramping for 2 weeks, had creamy CM and swollen tender boobs. So I've resigned myself to AF coming soon and big style. Finally my temp dropped this morning so hoping she comes today but I have no indication that she is: no spotting or cramps, nothing. I'm basically utterly confused and helpless until she arrives! Fed!

Sorry you had a bfn. I've just had my first 31 days cycle in over a year when they're usually 29 days tops. I ov'd later though and my lp stayed at 15 days so I wasn't technically late. I looked at loads of charts to see if my temps were meaning anything and I found some that stayed with high temps until just after af and some that had temps just above the coverline that ended in bfps so all I really know now is temps are only good for confirming ov. Ttc is so confusing because af signs are often the same as pregnancy ones. I'm now at the point where I wont read into any signs and I wont read into not getting any signs, I've had months with both and got no where. I hope af stays away for you though and the next test gives you a bfp x
That is very helpful thank you so much. I am going to temp accurately this month and try some OPKs mid month to see if I can start tracking my OV. I am only on my 3rd cycle since stopping the pill and am more and more convinced that I haven't started OV yet as both periods since coming off have been short and not too heavy (possibly just the uterus lining coming out as no egg ever arrived). I have a very small amount of brown discharge inside (sorry TMI) so I think AF is finally coming. Looking onwards and upwards to a new cycle :)
Fingers crossed for late bfp or next cycle xx
CD1 today, looking forward to this cycle and trying my first ever OPKs x


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