Contractions - is this the start or what?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Ok so since about 6.30 last night I've been having very low down, period type drawing pains, but they are very very far apart and even though they seem to last quite a long time they don't really reach much of a peak.

Managed to get a fairly good nights sleep, woke up at 8.00 this morning then tottered to the loo, sat down and was totally unable to pee!! There was so much pressure and I had a massive - although painless - braxton hicks contraction so I couldn't relax my muscles to have a wee. It passed after minute or so.

Went and did morning stables and haven't had a twinge since - back is a little sore.

Is this everything gearing up for the big event?? I've got the usual MW check up this afternoon and I'm starting to think I've been in very very slow labour on and off since about Monday when I had four big contractions every 20 minutes before they went away. Been quite uncomfortable on and off since then but there's no pattern to them.

If I ask this afternoon will they do a quick internal and see if I'm actually dilating??
Hi Shaz

Sounds promising - when I went to my appointment on Monday (already 3 days od) they did an internal to check progress so I imagine they will do the same for you.

Hope it's better news for you than it was for me though!!
sounds like it could well be!

ive got my fingers crossed for you and anyone else about to drop! :pray: :hug:
Oooooooooo does sound very promising! Let us know how you get on this pm :hug:
good luck this afternoon - let us know how you get on..........

oh - this is so exciting
oooooooooo how exciting - keep us informed - good luck :cheer:

Oh good luck , am so excited for you cant wait to hear the news
Back from Midwife - BP still a little high 138/85 but nothing again in urine.

Baby is right down low and they have booked me a consultation for induction next wednesday 7th February at 10.00am, but MW is pretty sure he'll have dropped by then because all the signs are looking good.

Feel a bit better now that I have an appoint for next week - althogh obviously would much rather go into spontaneous labour!!!

Just realised it's a full moon on Friday - DH is sure the baby will arrive on that date and has been saying so for ages - also we're calling him Connor which means "lover of wolves" - so full moon - Wolves - what do you think!?!?!?!?
great name and very appropriate, hope he comes for you on friday to make it perfect. not long to wait either way though!! :dance:
well fingers crosssed for Friday ...would be very appropriate

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