Contraception - PLEASE REPLY.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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What Options Do I Have Regarding Contraception?

Im Never Having The Depo Injection Again As It Didnt Agree With Me For The Whole Year That I Had That.. Id Probably Keep Forgetting To Take The Pill.. Condoms Are a Simple No.. and Iv Been Completely Put Off Having The Mirenna Coil.

Whats Left? I Was Wondering About Coil Implants? Do They Release The Same Thing As The Depo Though and Does It Cause Weight Gain?

I Need To Sort Something Soon Before Theres Another Patter Of Tiny Feet :lol: Thanks x
Ooo Thanks :):hug: Id Still Like Personal Opinions/Experiences Aswell If Possible :) x
I've got the implant... its ok it hurt a bit when they were puttin it in but i've had no problems with it :)
i had the implant put in last week and so far so good :) i was so scared as im not very good with needles but it was fine and i would deffo have it done again! You have to see the nurse twice before you have it done to make sure you still want it, then you ring for an appointment when you come on. Otherwise i think they'll fit one 3 weeks after giving birth.

the doctor will lay you down on the bed with your arm behind your head. (they put in the arm you DONT write with)

then she cleans your arm and injects some local anaesthetic which stings a little but is nothing. She will wait about 3 mins for it to work, clean the area with iodine unless you're allergic then she'll use something else.then put the implant in with a slightly bigger hollow needle. it goes into your arm and you'll hear a 'click' which it the implant being released from the needle into your arm. None of this hurts, you can feel the needle in your arm and some tugging but doesnt hurt. When the needle is taken out you'll then be bandaged up for a day or so, then thats it for 3 years!

you might get a nice bruise like this: ... hp?t=68399 but mine doesnt hurt!! hth xxx
why cant you put the pill packet next to your toothbrush cos you wont forget to brush your teeth everyday, hence not forgetting to take the pill?????????
Kim&Leah said:
why cant you put the pill packet next to your toothbrush cos you wont forget to brush your teeth everyday, hence not forgetting to take the pill?????????

Oh I do. I have toothpaste at work though. :oops:
lauramumof2 said:
Kim&Leah said:
why cant you put the pill packet next to your toothbrush cos you wont forget to brush your teeth everyday, hence not forgetting to take the pill?????????

Oh I do. I have toothpaste at work though. :oops:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

what about next to lovella's nappies!! :lol: cant forget that!
Its Too Much Of An Important Issue To Chance Even The Slightest Risk Of Forgetting
if you put on weight with depo more then likely you would with the implant. i gained 2 stone in first month of having implant :cry: i got no idea what im going to be using yet :wall:
I had the implant in for a while but had constant periods, headaches, irritability and nausea so had it taken out. I was fine on the pill so thought I would be on the implant. Annoying thing is you dont know how it wiill affect you until you try it.
I decided to go back on the pill. I don't trust it 100% even though I am good at remembering to take it. (I take it each day before dinner) I need something else too, but there is nothing that I can have while on the pill, other than condoms and I agree with you on that one.

I don't have any experiences to help you but I hope you find something that suits you soon soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
We used condoms simply because we planned to TTC again within a year & I didn't want to use any hormonal contraception that may take time to get out of my system. Also I was breastfeeding so my choices were more limited anyway. Condoms are annoying but it was only for a few months so were best for us in that situation.
xCarly said:
Its Too Much Of An Important Issue To Chance Even The Slightest Risk Of Forgetting

Surely u could remember to take one pill?! If its such an important issue then maybe you need to rethink about condoms or coil if you would forget the pill? We use condoms as hormones dont agree with me at all :) x
I have went onto the minipill. I didn't want coil/implants/injection as probably don't want a huge age gap before next one.

I am taking it at 5pm every night when OH gets back from work
fothers said:
I have went onto the minipill. I didn't want coil/implants/injection as probably don't want a huge age gap before next one.

implant doesnt affect your fertility, it returns to normal as soon as you have it removed
happy_chick said:
xCarly said:
Its Too Much Of An Important Issue To Chance Even The Slightest Risk Of Forgetting

Surely u could remember to take one pill?! If its such an important issue then maybe you need to rethink about condoms or coil if you would forget the pill? We use condoms as hormones dont agree with me at all :) x

Same Here About The Hormones, But As For The Pill.. I Always Forget Anti-Biotics When Im On a Course So Im Not Sure. Its Looking My Best Option Tho Tbh :think: I Gain Weight Too Easily On The Depo So Is The Pill The Same?
The pill has never changed my weight or appetite. I have heard of people having an increased appetite but mybe that is with a certain brand I don't know.

I was on Microgynon 30 without any probs for several years.

I think that once you get into the swing of taking the pill you will be ok. Maybe the mini pill might suit you better. Hope this helps. xx
I'm on the mini pill Cerazette. My husband has set an alarm on his phone for 8.30pm and reminds me to take it every day. I normally remember but it's good to have a back up. We always have our mobiles around so it's like a fail safe. Maybe you could do this?


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