Consultant this afternoon... INDUCTION BOOKED!

Some spontanious onset labours end up with a section anyway, I believe whatever will be will be! I'm sure you have made the right choice :hug:

Good luck for Thursday, you'll soon have you little girl :cheer:
Hun I think you made the right decision, you have had a rough time lately and I think enough is enough. I know there are risk's of csection but there are alway's risks no matter what. It would be typical that you would go into labour naturally on thursday at 12 though, you never know. Don't worry about anything, just relax and get plenty of rest, it will all be over soon and you will get to meet your little princess!! Good luck :hug:
You've done the right thing, because it's your body and your baby and you have the right to decide :hug: :hug: :hug:
Doctors are often very negative when explaining things because they work on worse case scenario, it doesn't mean it will go as far as a c-section, its a possibility, as it is for any labour and birth :hug:
Very best wishes for Thursday, you never know, LO may start before then, so relax and think positive :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank you everyone, started to get my head around things now & glad ive opted for induction... was a bit a mess earlier lol but have calmed down now :)

Im getting excited now, ill have my lil girl soon enough :D:D :cheer:
Well I agree with everyone else, youre gonna be in no fit state physically or mentally to give birth and start your new lives together while you are carrying on in so much discomfort. You are definately doing the right thing for you and your little one.
My Mum had a problem getting an induction when she had my little sis too and only got her way when she burst into tears and got stressed, its so wrong it should have to come to that to get what you need, her induction went really well and it was Mums easiest labour of 3, I am sure they are just giving you the worst case scenario as usual :roll:

Hang in there, wont be long till you have your lil daughter :hug:
:hug: sorry it didn't go as well as you'd have liked it to but i think you made the right decision.

You're in a lot pf pain and getting more miserable by the day which is unfair, you should be enjoying it.

lots of labours whether induced or natural end in c-section, some women even request them, what matters is that no matter how your little girl gets delivered she is safe, thats what counts.

You may even find that now you've got your induction booked you go into labour naturally b4 then, :pray: always seemed with me as soon as i got a date booked, labour started so i hope the same will happen for you.

You feel nervous and wonder if you've made the wrong decision cause its out of your hands, you did't know when little one would make an appearance but now you do, Ask yourself, when you were TTC, if you had the choice of waiting for that BFP or having it given to you on a certain date, what would you have taken??? its the same thing here

Just enjoy the last few days of your little one wriggling in your tummy and get as much rest as possible cause in a few days you're gonna be a mummy :D :D :D
You did what was right for you, bugger what anyone else thinks. You've put up with enough ! I was induced and had a fine birth. Good luck, will be waiting to hear news of your lovely girl. :hug: :hug:
Good luck honey, I was induced and they tried to give me c sec at the end, and i refused so they did an episiotomy and forceps.
Hope all goes well with the induction tomorrow Jo and you are soon holding lil miss


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