Consultant this afternoon... INDUCTION BOOKED!

Where are you Happy Chick... ???? :cry:

Actually I hope you don't come on... because the consultant decided enough was enough and you were being admitted today and induced tomorrow... :) That would be fab news.. :)

Didnt go aswell as I wanted it to....

Dr examined me she was really rough and pushed into tum really hard, felt like kicking her lol then she tried a sweep but cervix still unfavourable so cudnt do it. She went and got the doctor and he said that he wudnt induce me as my cervix is unfavourable and to come back in a weeks time to see what its like then.... I asked why I had been offered one the week before by a diff consultant & now he wouldnt do it but he said that he wouldnt do it until I was at least Term +10....

I stood up to walk out & broke down in tears, got into a right state! In the end he agreed to do it but said it was against his advice & there was a risk of it ending in csection but if I wanted to be induced then he couldnt stop me so me & hubby had a talk & we decided to go for the induction as nothing seems to happening on its own! I really could have done without all that, why last week were they so willing to do it then this week not grrrr

Anyways... Induction is booked for Thursday at 1:00pm :)

I feel like crap, hoping ive made the right decision. Heads all over the place, someone please tell me ive done the right thing....
With all the pain you've been in, I'm surprised they didn't induce you beforehand. I think you have made the right decision for you. I personally would prefer to wait longer but I know you've been in a lot of pain so it sounds like the best option for you. All excited and nervous for you now!! :D
of course you've done the right thing.

if you don't go for the induction, you could be in the same situation in another week where nothing has changed at all and you have to end up being induced anyway.
you know for a fact that by friday you will have your little girl!! thats only 3 days away! :hug:

plus you will be term + 8, which is far long enough! :hug: :hug:
I think you have done the right too.

Just think another few days and your LO will be here! :cheer:

It's so exciting :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Well I think you've done the right thing.. tbh.. I very much doubt that your cervix is all of a sudden going to become "favourable" in 4 or 5 days.

You're overdue as it is. And who's to say that if you wait another 5 days you'll still be in the same position that you are in now.. and STILL end up having a c section. They induce people a lot earlier than you too...

You know the risks, you know that your labour is unlikely to be fun and games... but then I can honestly say that my labour with Tia was nothing compared to the pain I had in my pelvis, day in day out... and it was such a relief to get it over and done with. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: If I had been offered an induction with Tia when I was 40+5 I'd have jumped at the chance.
I think you have deffo done the right thing. If you wait much longer your gonna go insane with the waiting and all the pain your in.

Besides, another consultant was more than prepared to do it last time. I think some Consultants just like to play God and play it by the book no matter what the circumstances.

Your case is clearly above and beyond the norm with your SPD and everything so I think its completely right that you be induced asap.

Its great news chick, there is now officially light at the end of the tunnel!! Very soon you will be meeting your little lady....

:cheer: :hug: :cheer:
good luck hun i think you have made the right decision so hopefully you will be metting your little girl soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Definately made the right choice I think! I would have done the same!
I think you have made the right decision - I have my induction booked at term + 8 and that is just routine here its not early or anything and I was offered term + 6 (I think it is done a little different over here they wont let anyone go more than 10 days over) but anyway I think the consultant was wrong to make you feel like you were making a tough decision and should have suggested it never mind not offering it. Inducion starts with a pessary to soften and prepare the cervix, if that doesnt work they wont proceed until it does so I dont see why your cervix being unfavourable is such a big deal :shakehead: :shakehead:
Hiya jo :wave:

sorry they were mean to you today hun it must be awful for you :hug: :hug:

I was induced with all 3 of mine due to blood pressure etc etc

With ben my first my bp was high, my cervix was unfavourable but they did it anyway and although it didnt work at first with the first gel when i started after the second it was only a couple of hours.

I think what i am trying to say hun is sometimes the docs can be wrong, i know some inductions end in a section but they can also through different reasons. I know someone who started naturally and she didnt dilate so had a section.

Also i think you made the right decision luv, your little princess is term and ready to come whichever way that may be.

If you fancy a chat on msn feel free i will pm you my addy

Take care and loads love for thursday :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
Darling, you made SO the right decision, no-one deserved to be this miserable! :hug:

Every birth is different, but all I can offer is my unfavourable induction didn't end in C-section, still what will be will be xxx's time to get excited, only 2 more sleeps!!!! :cheer:

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