Consultant appointment today


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Morning girls hope you are all well?

I have my first appointment with a Consultant at 12:10 today to start discussing how my genetic condition may affect the way I give birth or in his words "how we are going to get it out" lol

I am also going to take the opportunity to ask him about the amnio test we are having in a couple weeks as although we dont have to have it done and its not going to make a blind bit of difference we just want to know in advance I am going to blunt with him and tell him Im shitting myself about it but I do trust him completely.

Will update once I have had my appointment. xx
Good luck! I kinda had the same thing with my first although I didnt have an amneo! I'm still having tests to see if I have a genetic condition
Good luck! I kinda had the same thing with my first although I didnt have an amneo! I'm still having tests to see if I have a genetic condition

I always said I would never have an amnio but now there is a chance I just want to be prepared. My genetic condition , in my opinion, doesnt affect me day to day and no-one would know unless i told them.

Hope things go ok with all your tests xx
Best of luck sweetie,

I hope it all goes OK today!

Just back from appointment and it went really well hubby and I feel even more relaxed about things now. He went through all the tests they done which brought them to the risk of 1:86 (i got it wrong the other day im sure) for Down's and he says they would usually go on the nuchal measurements, my age and my bloods which are all good :)

The expert that noticed the apparent missing nasal bone is involved in a pioneering trial in London and this is what they are trained to lok for how much of the nasal bone they can see at this stage of pregnancy

Consultant explained that its more than likely we will not have a baby with Down's but the only way is to have the amnio so he has said that we can think about it and we can even chamnhe our mind on the day that its booked for

I feel the "wanting to know" has gone a little bit but they said that they can do it any time after 15 weeks so no time limit. So time to have a serious think if it is worth the slight risk

Overall appointment has really calmed me down xx
I am glad it went well hun,

If it is just the nasal bone issue can they not scan again?

Please don't quote me and I will ask when I see her but I am sure my sister had the same thing - good bloods, she is young and the Nuchal measurement was fine BUT there was an absence of nasal bone from the angle baby was at 12 week scan.

They didn't offer her any diagnostic tests though, they scanned her again at 16 weeks and nasal bone was there.

I'll check the finer points with her though as maybe I am missing or forgetting something?

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I am glad it went well hun,

If it is just the nasal bone issue can they not scan again?

Please don't quote me and I will ask when I see her but I am sure my sister had the same thing - good bloods, she is young and the Nuchal measurement was fine BUT there was an absence of nasal bone from the angle baby was at 12 week scan.

They didn't offer her any diagnostic tests though, they scanned her again at 16 weeks and nasal bone was there.

I'll check the finer points with her though as maybe I am missing or forgetting something?


Thank you that would be great if you could check with your sister. I am starting to sway towards the fact that minion just doesn't lie the best way for them to see the nasal bone as it doesnt play ball at the scans and certainly likes to lie still and sleep a lot of the time lol

I think I may ask if they could scan again and see if it has just not been seen properly becxause of angle or stage of the scan as at the scan (the first one) I was not even 12 weeks was 11+6 which I know is more or less 12 weeks and I am sure I have read on here that someone's baby didny show a nasal bone till 20 week scan so there is still time

Thank you soo much xxxx
I'm keeping my pregnnacy quiet at the moment but am seeing my sister on Thursday so I'll work it into the convo if that's OK!

I am pretty sure she initially thought she had to wait until 20 week scan to know for sure re: nasal bone but they offered her an earlier scan at 16 weeks....

I'll report back in a few days though!

I'm keeping my pregnnacy quiet at the moment but am seeing my sister on Thursday so I'll work it into the convo if that's OK!

I am pretty sure she initially thought she had to wait until 20 week scan to know for sure re: nasal bone but they offered her an earlier scan at 16 weeks....

I'll report back in a few days though!


Yeh thats absolutely fine dont give away that you are pregnant at the same time though

Im grateful really grateful for your help and advice

So, I tried to wangle another scan to perhaps avoid the amnio but the Consultant has said we have still to go on the 18th to discuss things further and we can still say no to the test. The thing is its not going to make a difference to our pregnancy but we are the kind of people that would rather have all the facts and be prepared for things

Thinking of trying to arrange a private scan though not sure they are done in our area and we would proibably have to go to Glasgow or Edinburgh which is no distance at all - could be a job for lunchtime today. I know that if we had a private scan and saw a nasal bone we would just tell the Consultant down here that we had decided against the test

I think you should def consider a private scan!

I spoke with my sister today and she confirmed that no nasal bone was present at her 12 week scan BUT she was advised by the consultant that saw her afterwards to wait until the next scan.

They offered her another scan at 18 weeks to check for nasal bone and this was pushed forwards to 16 weeks due to all the upset it was causing.

Nasal bone was then present.

At no point was my sister asked to decide about an amnio (although not sure what would have happened had there been no nasal bone??)

Based on her bloods and the nuchal fold my sister was in a high risk for her age (she was early 20's at the time) but overall it was a low risk. I think this was a huge factor in consultant advising her to wait.

Sorry this isn't much help, but if I was in your situation I would opt for a private scan and then take it from there

Big hugs

I think you should def consider a private scan!

I spoke with my sister today and she confirmed that no nasal bone was present at her 12 week scan BUT she was advised by the consultant that saw her afterwards to wait until the next scan.

They offered her another scan at 18 weeks to check for nasal bone and this was pushed forwards to 16 weeks due to all the upset it was causing.

Nasal bone was then present.

At no point was my sister asked to decide about an amnio (although not sure what would have happened had there been no nasal bone??)

Based on her bloods and the nuchal fold my sister was in a high risk for her age (she was early 20's at the time) but overall it was a low risk. I think this was a huge factor in consultant advising her to wait.

Sorry this isn't much help, but if I was in your situation I would opt for a private scan and then take it from there

Big hugs


Thanks so much Carnat for this information.

The Consultant I am seeing when we attend for possible amnio does a lot of scanning before and after an amnio so I am fairly confident he will see a nasal bone. He says we can still change our mind on the day but I am going to discuss with hubby about private scans etc

Hope you are keeping well xxxxxxxx
Hi lovely, one thing to remember is that the miscarriage stats for an amino include normal miscarriage stats even if you don't have an amino, so it's a tiny increased risk. I think I'm with you, I'd rather know and be prepared for the future xxx

Hi lovely, one thing to remember is that the miscarriage stats for an amino include normal miscarriage stats even if you don't have an amino, so it's a tiny increased risk. I think I'm with you, I'd rather know and be prepared for the future xxx

Stupid spell checker! Of course I meant to write amnio! ;p
Hi lovely, one thing to remember is that the miscarriage stats for an amino include normal miscarriage stats even if you don't have an amino, so it's a tiny increased risk. I think I'm with you, I'd rather know and be prepared for the future xxx

Thank you. I have still got time to think about the test which isnt a good thing as too much thinking is not good. Just got to try and keep ositive about it all xx

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