I'm having the same thing hun, LO only measures 30 - 31weeks and I just turned 36weeks, my bump however is still only measuring 29weeks....
I have to go for CTG's every monday and thursday and scans on mondays.
I'm kinda hoping that they will induce me next week now as LO's growth has started to worry me and they've been talking about getting him out of there for weeks but seem reluctant to actually do anything about it, just keep fobbing me off with excuses like todays one " we can't use the growth measurements from today, because we only scanned and measured him last week" the sonographer that I have had this week and last week is more concerned than the consultant, she says that by the measurements today he has actually lost weight!! his abdomen was measuring about 31weeks 4 days last week and this week the measurement came up at 30weeks6days.
Make sure you ask lots of questions and try to get them to explain the reasons for their decisions.
good luck hun xx