

New Member
Jun 11, 2012
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Currently I live with my partner in a 1 bed flat which we moved into 10 weeks ago when we moved it there it was like a building site. A week before we moved in we stripped the walls and we had to move in with everything left unfinished. I have now lived here with my partner all this time, I have painted the living room and got my family to lay the carpet for me but the bedroom and the hall still isn't done. Currently we do not have a bed either and we are sleeping on the floor in the living room.

I love my partner more than anything but it feels like he doesn't care as I am now six months pregnant and he still hasn't rushed to do the decorating even though I have moaned about since we moved in. He does not work so he has all day to do it. Even though he knows I am extremely unhappy he hasn't rushed to do the decorating the 10 weeks we have lived there. He is not bothered I am still sleeping on the floor and we do not have any baby things.

We are on benefit and although I do say we need to save money for the baby and not waste it. He always manages to go out on the weekend and have drinks with his friends. He controls the money and spends it stupidly. When we have no money for food he doesn't seem to be bothered that I can't eat he just expects his mum to bale him out and she always does.

I also do not have a mobile phone or a landline telephone, I have told him how unhappy I am at not being able to contact my mum easily as she lives 30 miles away but just doesn't seem to sink in. He has an issue with my mum and doesn't like me to stay at her house, something I have asked him about but never get a clear answer.

I have told him how I feel about the situation on numerous occasions and my unhappiness is written all over me. I find myself crying most days. I know I am being hardwork but I am I really asking to much? I can't go on much longer like this but I feel like I can't leave as I have not given him a chance? Just don't know what to do.

So I spoke to him about how I had been feeling last night to no further conclusion was reached. I really was trying to get to react but he didn't just agreed with everything I said for the first hour or so. Then he said he started talking and said we had made plans to make things better. I have little faith anything will change because nothing has changed in the whole time we have lived at the flat. He has also said that the flat is both our responibility and that we are both lazy and left it. Although I am under the impression that as a pregnant girl my partner should do the decoration for me as it would make me happy and I am having his child. Or is that wrong?

After 5 hours of talk he had gone so long I lost what my original point was and was talked down saying that how I felt was stupid as everything was going to change and it was also suggested that I see a health psychologist as I am 'not thinking right'.

It was all changed into its all about me, I never ask how he feels. His dad has offered to take him out with him so he can earn some extra money and hes basically offered him a job but everytime he has meant to be going out with him he has come up with an excuse not to go out. So I said I had little faith in the fact he would get a job. He went to a job interview on Friday and he thinks that shows that he wants a job and he wants to work. When he has done everything before that job interview to avoid working. I was also silenced over that as well.

Conversation finished last night at 12 and I didn't get any sleep as I was worked up and nothing I said was really heard. He was also staying at his mothers who kept pulling the phone out of the socket so he couldn't talk to me and I could hear her screaming and swearing at the background at me. So I said I didn't want to come home today.

So all the plans we agreed to change he now said are now irrelevant and because I didn't go home today I don't love him. I said I'd go home tomorrow but he has said that he would go to his mums because we were basically over. As I am not showing I love him as I have not gone back, have told him I will be back tomorrow. But I just have a sense of dread going back because how he mum was screaming and he has said to me that there will be a big argument when I go back...

Do I give him one last chance or is that it now? Just don't know what to do..
Oh hun I am so sorry that you are in this situation. He sounds very controlling, and I suspect that his problem with your mum isn't anything personal, he is just trying to drive a wedge between you. Do you have a good support network in place back in your home town? If so I think you would be much better off moving back there, without him. I'm not saying it is going to be easy, but I think its what you need. You defo need the support of your family, and in the long run I reckon you would be a lot happier. Sending hugs your way xxx
Oh hun I am so sorry that you are in this situation. He sounds very controlling, and I suspect that his problem with your mum isn't anything personal, he is just trying to drive a wedge between you. Do you have a good support network in place back in your home town? If so I think you would be much better off moving back there, without him. I'm not saying it is going to be easy, but I think its what you need. You defo need the support of your family, and in the long run I reckon you would be a lot happier. Sending hugs your way xxx

Its because my mum stuck up for me when he was arguing with me when I was just 3 months pregnant and he reduced me to tears over something completely stupid. My mum has tried to make an effort with him but she is ignored and fed up of doing it now. Yeah it is isn't something that I want to do but I think its my only choice I just don't see him improving.
I think you need to ask yourself a few questions and be very honest with yourself when you answer

* Is this the kind of environment you want to bring a child up in?
* Is your partner ready and willing to be the best father he possibly can
* Can you do this without your Mum's help and support

Personally I think it sounds like a horrendous situation - you have no money, now way of providing for this child and your are slowly losing contact with your Mum. You are being mentally abused hun!

I think you need to pack a bag and go home. You need a proper bed, you need to be well nourished and well looked after.

Go home to your Mum sweetie

I think you need to ask yourself a few questions and be very honest with yourself when you answer

* Is this the kind of environment you want to bring a child up in?
* Is your partner ready and willing to be the best father he possibly can
* Can you do this without your Mum's help and support

Personally I think it sounds like a horrendous situation - you have no money, now way of providing for this child and your are slowly losing contact with your Mum. You are being mentally abused hun!

I think you need to pack a bag and go home. You need a proper bed, you need to be well nourished and well looked after.

Go home to your Mum sweetie


No I don't want to bring my child up in this environment but he has said he can change, but how many times do people say that and nothing ever changes? Loads.
No he hasn't bothered to buy a thing for the baby and has ignored my worries when I have asked to start buying things and says we only need to get them a month before.
No I cannot do this without my mum, no way.

Even though I am saying this all to him why is he not accepting that worries are real and I have reason to be feeling like this? He says I am stupid for feeling this way.


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