

Active Member
Jan 20, 2012
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hello, i have been on here asking a question about bleeding, i went to the hospital for an early scan, im '7weeks' but as i was bleeding they wanted to do an early one to see what was happening, i had a scan and the woman said, from what she could see it was about 4 - 5 weeks pregnant, and my blood tests came back at the same level as what 4 - 5 weeks would be, i am going back on saturday for another blood test to see if they have increased, now im properly wishful thinking, is there any chance that i didnt conceive when i was ovulating but after? any advice would be appreciated Thanks Lexie
When did you get your positive pregnancy test? x
last thursday when i went to the doctors about 'old blood' also on the scan she said she couldnt see any blood around it, but im not sure what that means x
its possible you may have ovulated late making you a few weeks behind or there may be some other crazy reason.
No blood around it is a good sign i would say.
fingers crossed for you on saturday, still a glimmer of hope x
Sounds like a good sign to me! I didn't conceive when I thought I had.. I was a week out so don't worry xx
thanks i hope so! i will find out saturday, not getting my hopes up though! but my fingers are crossed!
Me too, I was a week out and didnt concieve when I thought I'd ovulated and I thought my cycles were very regular. My MW said it can sometimes take the new embryo a little longer to imbed than is usually expected. FX crossed xx
I think as you only got your positive last week that it is possible that you have got your ovulation dates wrong. x
unfortunately i have miscarried :( my boyfriend makes me feel okay about it though, he is brilliant! hope to try again soon!
So sorry to hear that Hun x
Thoughts are with you and best of luck xxx
So sorry to hear that - really hope ull be ok xx

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Sorry to hear that hun, hope you're as ok as can be expected and you look after yourself. Glad the hub is being good too :) :hug: xxx
I'm so sorry sweetie :hug: I'm glad you have a supportive OH and hope you have some better news in a few months if you're trying again. Take care hun xxx
So sorry about your lose hun :hugs: hope to see you back here soon x x

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