finding it hard to stay positive


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Jan 20, 2012
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hello, im about 6 and a half weeks pregnant, i went to the hospital with heavy bleeding on saturday, they did my blood pressure and other tests, then told me that they didnt think i was having a miscarriage, just a threatened miscarriage and just to go to see my doctor tomorrow, but i am still bleeding with horrible stomach pains, just wondering if anyone bled with cramps for a long time in the beginning of there pregnancy. Thanks Lexie
No personal experience, but I know some people that have and everything's been ok x
Sorry your going through this, it must be really worrying for you :hugs:

Can you try your doctor today and maybe he can send you for a scan?x
Hi sweetie, so sorry you're going through this! I'm bleeding too (although mine is only light spotting atm) so I know how horrible it feels, its really scary. I've read lots of stories online about women who have had even quite heavy bleeding and had healthy babies, so please try and stay positive hun although I know how hard it is.

Good luck with the doctor tomorrow hun, maybe see if he can refer you back to the hospital? Surely at 6 and a half weeks they will be able to investigate a bit more/hear a heartbeat on a very early scan? That might reassure you. Let us know how you get on, sending you all the positive thoughts in the world xxx
So sorry to read what you are going through, hoping you get seen to soon and all is OK with LO xx
hello, im about 6 and a half weeks pregnant, i went to the hospital with heavy bleeding on saturday, they did my blood pressure and other tests, then told me that they didnt think i was having a miscarriage, just a threatened miscarriage and just to go to see my doctor tomorrow, but i am still bleeding with horrible stomach pains, just wondering if anyone bled with cramps for a long time in the beginning of there pregnancy. Thanks Lexie

Google your nearest Early Pregnancy Unit and get your Dr to refer you (or better still go as a walk in if they accept walk-ins)

They should scan you at 6.5 weeks and they may blood test you as well to check you hCG levels

Good luck!

I had a threatened mc at 6 weeks went to a n e had a wee test and blood test and all was fine, I was then rung the next day by the epu and they arranged a scan for a couple days later. Low and behold there was my bambino heart beating n everything had to go back at 8 weeks and now I'm nearly 21 weeks x
Loula you have made me feel quite abit better, can you tell me how long you bled for, really going crazy here! Haha thankyou everyone!xxx
Hope everything is ok for you sweetheart. Like others have said, the early pregnancy unit at your nearest hospital is the best place as they can give you an early scan. Take good care of yourself. :hugs:
Loula you have made me feel quite abit better, can you tell me how long you bled for, really going crazy here! Haha thankyou everyone!xxx

i bled for a few days, thought it was my period tbh as cycle was irregular but managed to do a test and i got a BFP.. 2 days later the bleeding started and i just got myself up to a&e as nothing felt right, also had ther same at 8 weeks and spotting at 12 xxx
hope everything is fine Lexie, my thoughts are with you xx
Hope all is ok xx

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Thanks everyone! going for a scan tomorrow as i am 7weeks, so will let you all know. :) xxx
Will keep my fingers crossed for you.x

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