Confused about Movements

hb means theyre alive, movements mean theyre happy and well usually as well as alive. lying down on your side and having choc and cold drink do work wonders. i dont feel mine too much really and less now that shes squished. was watching before and my tum under my boobs was moving but i couldnt feel it lol. it could be that baby has moved round and is kicking your back or somewhere that you cant feel. you can hear them kick on the doppler too hun if you listen long enough :) if your worried and dont feel anything in half an hour or so id ring mw
My mw said so many women panic when movements reduce but baby is usually bashing the placenta or at the back as bev said. Also between 24-28 weeks they grow a lot and it wears them out bless them so they don't move quite as much xxxxxxxxx
He did kick a bit after cold water but its never a lot. Just makes me sad cos wish I could feel him all the time to know he is ok! Could it be anything to do with mwentioning diabetes?
Not sure if diabetes would have an effect although they tend to be bigger babies so maybe he has less room xxxxxxxx

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