Reduction in Baby Movements.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Evening Girls,

I've had a reduction in movements over the last 2 days, (she's usually really active, well-over 10 movements a day) i've got a doppler & heart rate is fine, 140-160 BPM, just wondered if you ladies think it is just because baby is getting bigger & there isn't as much space for her to move around now??

I can feel little regular movements (about 8-10 over a day) but movements are like when I first felt her move.

Anyone else experienced this as you've got bigger?? Can't remember this with my 1st child.

I certainly had periods in all my pregnancies where the baby was less active for a time. Also, if you are busy then you may not always notice small movements. Baby sounds like she's still doing good and you may find she goes crazy again in a couple of days. I know babies often go quiet close to the end but prob too soon for this to be the case here.

With my 2nd I went to the day unit at the hosp for monitoring cos I was worried but as soon as the belt went on she went ape and wouldn't stay still! She was just having a giggle with me!

If you still concerned, def speak to your midwife and she may refer you for monitoring but I'd say if she's still movng several times a day then trust your instincts.
pie&twink said:
Evening Girls,

I've had a reduction in movements over the last 2 days, (she's usually really active, well-over 10 movements a day) i've got a doppler & heart rate is fine, 140-160 BPM, just wondered if you ladies think it is just because baby is getting bigger & there isn't as much space for her to move around now??

I can feel little regular movements (about 8-10 over a day) but movements are like when I first felt her move.

Anyone else experienced this as you've got bigger?? Can't remember this with my 1st child.


heyy.. just noticed were due within few days of eachother..

i said to OH the other day.. "junior has really stopped being so active etc.."
this was about 26 wks 4days i think.. he calmed down for a few days..

now he will NOT stay still hes changing posistion and wrigglin more than ever.. your BUBs will prob do the same chick, if your worried ring m/w.. :-) but i'm sure he'll suprise you and go mad again.. :-) xx
Often the way baby moves changes as they get bigger in there. Goes from much more noticable bigger movements to smaller ones. They turn into prods and pokes, wriggles and squirms.

Also babies have restful times also. They do deep sleep like we do for hours at a time and so on. Its normal for movements to alter through pregnancy.

If you are getting the 10 movements in 12 hours and the Doppler is giving you good results I'd not worry. If things change or you have cause for concern give your MW a call.

I just posted with a similar question. baby has decided to move differently in the past couple of days. They make us worrry so much dont they?


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