Confused about due date!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2012
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Hi all,

I believe I am 6 weeks pregnant, & I just went to the docs to let them know etc etc.

I obviously have done a lot of research since finding out two weeks ago, &, based on my last period date of April 1st, & a cycle of 30-31 days, every online calculator I have used has predicted a due date of 6-9th January. However, the doctor has just told me the 23rd Dec! Very confused- she used an online calculator as well. I can't reproduce her date anywere! Strange!

ANyone else have this, or has she just made an error?
i was the same, most date predictors work of an average 28 day cycle. And are you doing it from the first day of your last period?

i know exactly the day i ovulated, but both my scans have dated me as 5 days further along. Which would mean i got my BFP at 6DPO! lol
I'm not sure hun, maybe she mistakenly didn't change the length to 30/31? My lmp was March 17th and my dd is 22/12 so seems a bit odd that yours would be 1 day after then but your period was 14 days after mine. How confusing for you x
very odd i think she must have put in a wrong number sumwhere,just go by ur own dates think that doc needs more sleep lol it will all come right at ur scan anyways xx
Thanks everyone- here's hoping the scan clears it all up! It's my first, so it's likely to be late anyway. :D
when you have your booking in appointment with the midwife she will give you your first EDD. Then the 12 week scan will give you your official EDD.
your scan will give u a correct due date x
id defo wait until your 12 week scan, i still think mine may be wrong x
My MW didnt give me a EDD, due to the variation in my cycles.

The DD everyone goes by is the one you get at your 12wk scan. x
hi can i just add that i disagree with the dating scan, my scan says im nearly 15wks, when i looked back on the dates, this puts conception at the time of my mc and me and my oh didnt dtd till 2wks after meaning the earliest due date would be 21/11, they have put my dd for the 17/11 saying i must have a big baby.

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