Confessions of a secret lurker...

:wave: Welcome hun.

Sorry to hear you haven't had an easy time of it so far :hug:
This forum is great it's kept me sane everyone always has good advice to give.
Hello and welcome to the forum. :wave:

This forum is addictive by the way so be warned. :D

Im due in the 23rd April and im having a little girl too.
laracomps said:
Ok, following on from the thread earlier (shy wife) - I thought I had better introduce myself, after much nagging from my husband. I thought it was him that had posted! What are you scared of he asks? Well to be honest, I don't really know :s So here goes...

I am almost 25 and come from Essex. I am due on the 10th April with our first baby, which is a girl (I hope! You should see her wardrobe hehe).

I haven't had what I would call an 'easy' pregancy. I had hyperemesis from about 7/8 weeks and was eventually hospitalised at 12 weeks. Luckily they controlled it with tablets - though I still couldn't move off the sofa for about 3 months - thank goodness my work were very understanding.

So now I am left with the dreaded SPD, which I was pretty much guaranteed to get as I have Hypermobility Syndrome (aka Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). I am under consultant care because of the EDS, although she doesn't have a clue - and I had to find information for her!! Hence I am very aprehensive about seeing her again at 38 weeks.

I think thats pretty much it in a nutshell. Sorry that it took so long to introduce myself.

Hopefully I can get to know some of you before I pop.

Lara x

PS Can I persuade anyone else to come out of the woodwork?? :wave:

Hello!!!! :wave: We're due the same day! :D the race is on... :wink: :hug:
sazzylou said:
Hello!!!! :wave: We're due the same day! :D the race is on... :wink: :hug:

woohoo - you're on!

I want her to come out sooner rather than later, but only if it doesn't hurt :rotfl:
:wave: Hello :wave:
Glad you are joining us, as someone has already mentioned this place is addictive so be warned :lol:

There are alot of april babies arent there, i reckon its because of the crappy weather last year, we were all stuck indoors finding other ways to entertain ourselves :lol:
I agree with the addictive nature of this forum. I came on here after dropping James to school and having a shower thinking 'I'll pop on for 10 minutes whilst I'm drinking my tea, then I'll do my ironing'.
One and a half hours later I'm still here! :wall:
laracomps said:
sazzylou said:
Hello!!!! :wave: We're due the same day! :D the race is on... :wink: :hug:

woohoo - you're on!

I want her to come out sooner rather than later, but only if it doesn't hurt :rotfl:

haha, same here....any time after 37 weeks is fine by me :pray: Ive had enough now :roll: Dont wanna moan but im feeling crappy today so i best not get started, lol. Im having a girl too :D
tell me about it, i'm so tired through not sleeping. I get worried about going into labour and not having enough energy.

Though having said that, I have a bum under my ribs today, and its killing! I am practically lying flat with the laptop on top of me :wall: so baby eviction would be welcome sooner rather than later
I think quite a few of us feel a little fed up with carrying the extra pounds now. I keep telling Daniel to come out to play...does he listen to mother? nope :lol:

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