Hi ladies ! hope you don't mind me putting this post here but i've been debating whether to make this or not but if it helps someone its worth it.
so basically me an my hubby have been trying to conceive since feb 2017
I'm now 4 weeks and 6 days pregnant and its going very well FX
BUT !!! leading up to this moment was awfully strange and I really do want to talk about the three products I listed at the top !
before now I had THREE chemical pregnancies in FOUR MONTHS I would miscarry just after getting a positive test within a week or two and then ovulate 20 days later round about's and it would happen again!
I'm sure there women who can relate but I would get a faint but definite line on a sensitive test for it to go down 1-3 days later .. never enough HCG to show on a 20miu test and never on a clear blue digi !! all lasted under 4 weeks ..
so getting to it in those months I was taking agnus castus up until O and royal jelly all the way through, and we would use conceive plus lube every time we DTD .. which we did a ton in my fertile time .. and every time we were conceiving but the baby was never sticky, so june came around and I said I don't want to try this month I'm not taking ANYTHING, no vits no royal jelly no agnus and were not using that lube ... I focused on work and we DTD once round about my fertile time but at the beginning .. I was working out again and I refused to buy sensitive tests .. suddenly I noticed I was feeling sick and the smell of chewing gum and car journeys were making me feel sick .. at about 12 dpo I on the off chance tested with a cheap coop non sensitive test and a faint line .. I continued for it to get darker and darker ...clear blue digi has gone from 1-2 2-3 and lines are now as strong a the control .. but it got me thinking about the other months ..
I read a post about one lady who said along the lines of " those conception lubes sound great but nature only intends the strongest swimmers to get through and if this helps the weaker ones then maybe the chemical pregnancies could be down to your body rejecting the potential baby because there's something wrong ) now I know there's no science behind what I'm about to say but I think these lubes did play a huge part in my chemical pregnancies !!! I'm adamant .. I think personally if youre producing absolutely no EWCM then use a little but if you do like I did and youre suffering chemicals avoid it !! and try a month without it because I'm thinking it cant just be me !
as for agnus castus and royal jelly
Agnus did bring my periods down from 35 CD to 30CD and I deffo ovulated
and royal jelly did make me have implanation bleeding on my third chemical I know this because I started taking a higher dose at O and then I got IB 7 days later and my BFP at 9 which was gone by 11 DPO ..
so my advice is if youre having chemicals constantly and youre using the conceive plus gel ... give it a miss for a month like I did .. I'm not saying everyone is the same as me but if I can help someone then that would be amazing ! thankyou xxxxxx baby dust
so basically me an my hubby have been trying to conceive since feb 2017
I'm now 4 weeks and 6 days pregnant and its going very well FX
BUT !!! leading up to this moment was awfully strange and I really do want to talk about the three products I listed at the top !
before now I had THREE chemical pregnancies in FOUR MONTHS I would miscarry just after getting a positive test within a week or two and then ovulate 20 days later round about's and it would happen again!
I'm sure there women who can relate but I would get a faint but definite line on a sensitive test for it to go down 1-3 days later .. never enough HCG to show on a 20miu test and never on a clear blue digi !! all lasted under 4 weeks ..
so getting to it in those months I was taking agnus castus up until O and royal jelly all the way through, and we would use conceive plus lube every time we DTD .. which we did a ton in my fertile time .. and every time we were conceiving but the baby was never sticky, so june came around and I said I don't want to try this month I'm not taking ANYTHING, no vits no royal jelly no agnus and were not using that lube ... I focused on work and we DTD once round about my fertile time but at the beginning .. I was working out again and I refused to buy sensitive tests .. suddenly I noticed I was feeling sick and the smell of chewing gum and car journeys were making me feel sick .. at about 12 dpo I on the off chance tested with a cheap coop non sensitive test and a faint line .. I continued for it to get darker and darker ...clear blue digi has gone from 1-2 2-3 and lines are now as strong a the control .. but it got me thinking about the other months ..
I read a post about one lady who said along the lines of " those conception lubes sound great but nature only intends the strongest swimmers to get through and if this helps the weaker ones then maybe the chemical pregnancies could be down to your body rejecting the potential baby because there's something wrong ) now I know there's no science behind what I'm about to say but I think these lubes did play a huge part in my chemical pregnancies !!! I'm adamant .. I think personally if youre producing absolutely no EWCM then use a little but if you do like I did and youre suffering chemicals avoid it !! and try a month without it because I'm thinking it cant just be me !
as for agnus castus and royal jelly
Agnus did bring my periods down from 35 CD to 30CD and I deffo ovulated
and royal jelly did make me have implanation bleeding on my third chemical I know this because I started taking a higher dose at O and then I got IB 7 days later and my BFP at 9 which was gone by 11 DPO ..
so my advice is if youre having chemicals constantly and youre using the conceive plus gel ... give it a miss for a month like I did .. I'm not saying everyone is the same as me but if I can help someone then that would be amazing ! thankyou xxxxxx baby dust