

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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Afternoon ladies,

Just wanted some reasssurance/advice pls. I'm really getting worried about Bean. I usually have a very wiggly little one, booting me and pottering around a lot, but today I have only been kicked once and there is no pottering. I've had a jippy tummy all night, still getting tightenings and period pains. Is it to early to seek advice, should I wait till later and see if I get anymore kicks? I don't like to make a fuss :(
Hey honey, my little one stopped moving a couple of weeks ago and I had a jippy tummy at the time too. Turned out that I was dehydrated and as soon as I was on a saline drip baby started moving again. I would go and get checked just to be reassured. Hope all is ok.

Mine went really quiet for one day. Is there anything that usually sets your baby off wiggling? Mines a glass of coke, fruit pastilles and if I laid on my left side he started wriggling again.

I still phoned the labour suite though as I wasn't sure, so maybe just ring for re-assurance?
Thanks girls. Usually lying on my back, or sitting slouched on the sofa gets Bean going, but today nothing. Just a kick about an hour ago. I'm sat slouched now and no response yet! I'm clean out of coke and sugary stuff! I saw the MW on Fri and I had protein in my urine but BP was ok so she wasn't to concerned. Ugh, I just wish Bean would come out!
Hope baby started wriggling again! I went in for monitoring after mine had a quiet spell, i think its always best to get checked out x
I would say to go and get checked out to put your mind at rest. xx
Hey Mrs B! Babas probably just peed off about being so cramped by now bless him/her, I've been in a cpl of times for monitoring too, dont worry just give ur Midwife a shout they always do a scan.
At our hosp for bubsters who have changed their movement patterns always get scanned they dont think ur overreacting it can be loads of simple things x
hey hows things??? my baby has quiet days but if its somthing unusal for u and ur bump then call n get checked hun does no harm xx
Hey how's bean now? As the others have said get checked out if things are different xx
Hey ladies.
I rang the midwives and I told them about jippy tummy etc and they suggested to drink lots of water and see. So I did, and within an hour or so Bean woke up and we haven't stopped! Also, the lots of water idea played havoc with any sleep I intended on getting last night, nearly set up a bed on the loo! Thanks for all your advice and replies girls, fingers crossed Bean will realise soon there's a lot more room outside my tummy to kick about in!!

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