I used to take dog for walk everyday around a res near my house a good hr hr n half walk.. recently i've not been able to manage it.. always needing a wee feeling like i'm carrying a bowl ball etc so not been taking her out. But i've been feeling really guilty. It's a 10 min walk to res and this is the bit a find most daunting especially on way back! So....this morn i decided to compromise and pop her in the car drive 5 mins to res walk half way round and pop her back in and off home really enjoyed it plus was happy knowing i had car there.. until in the car on way home she jumped over the back of the car to the front seat, mine, which is now all covered with mud and hair!! Have to clean it now as going out later and want to wear my white linen pants! As much as i love her she's a pain in the arse!!!