one of the most embarassing times of my life...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i forgot to tell you guys about my embarassing moment the other day...

I'd decided to cook pasta for the tea and needed to pick up some parmissan cheese and mushrooms... pulled over in the car on a busy road... got out the car but couldn't cross the road as the traffic was pretty busy! so i stood leaning on the car waiting for a gap in the traffic... i saw my chance and made my move! i wasn't half way across the road when i heard a big ripping sound and was almost catapulted backwards... my white linen - elasticated waistband skirt had gotten court in the door and got ripped right off... the only part still around me was the elastic waistband which was now about 100 inches wide... i was left standing in the road in my big knickers... i grabbed the skirt from the door and jumped back in my car... the fabric had jammed in the lock and the door wouldn't close.... i couldn't get back out the car in my knickers so drove the car home at about 5 miles an hour holding onto the door with one hand.... luckily i was only 2 mins from my home... i wrapped the skirt around me and hobbled up the drive... DH opened the front door with a puzzled look on his face.... what made it worse was the police helicopter was out and i could hear it hovering over head!!! all i needed was them sending a police car so see what the problem was...

oh my god hun u forgot to tell us that how lol???
i am sorry but i couldnt help bnut giggle lol
Oh you poor love, how embarrassing, bl**dy funny tho! (sorry :lol: ) I can just imagine what the coppers were thinking :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Laughing with you not at you hon!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
its okay!!! i can laugh at it now myself... in fact when i saw DH face at the front door i nearly wet my self... i had dirty oil all over my hands and the bit of fabric i'd managed to get out the door lock....


lol oh no i would never of made it out again, how embarressing its godd you can laugh about it now, no one would wanna see me in my underwear lol.
lol bless ou sounds likesome thing ild do, wewould be a right pair together :lol:

Oh god poor you!!

That is a proper frank spencer moment!!!!
Oh hayley you poor thing - I must admit it did really make me laugh :wink:

oh Hayley!! your embarrassing stories make me die!!! LMAO

thats the sort of thing you see happen in carry on films!!! haha

glad you can laugh at yourself!!! hehe hehe xxxx
lmao hayley i would have died of embarrassment...!!!
:oops: :lol: :lol:
was feeling really crappy 2day but that really cheered me up :D glad you can laugh at urself... :D

Oooooooooh Hayley thanks for making me chuckle!!!!

At least you were wearing knickers!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink:
thats hilarious..i think you should write into a magazine with that one..poor girl you must of been so embarresed!! :lol:
He he!! :lol:
That made me giggle Hayley :lol:

As Anna Marie's a good job you were wering knickers!! :wink: :lol:
LMAO Hayley :lol: !!!! Thats the funniest one i've heard so far I think! How embarressing though. It would never happen when you were wearing nice underwear without the extra pounds!!!!
Just saw this post did make me chuckle lol

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