Lol I can't believe it's happened like this girls I've been bonking every day since the 11th!!
Bloody good job I backtracked from ntnp and got the OPKs and kept on doing them too otherwise I would have completely missed OV!
I'm doing it my way from now on including getting clomid next month, I know I OV and I can get preggers but I dont think I OV properly I can't go from oving on cd15 to cd25 and have a prefect cycle.
I'm a bit pissed of at my private doc as he made me look like a crazy ttc obsessed loon to hubby laughing at me saying no alchohol whilst ttc and telling me my cycles were normal and regular, I'm sorry but I really don't think mine are!
Fingers crossed I get preggo tonight because I'm sick of people thinking im crazy about ttc I'm not I'm just not convinced everything is as it should be and I'm not being negative I'm being realistic, I swear if I'm right I'm going to be so pissed off, no one listened when I had 5 chemicals and I'm going to stand my ground with my doc if this cycle isn't successful.