Completely ruined NTNP!! Help...

Hmm, yeah, if you don't conceive this cycle then you'd be better off waiting a cycle or two if you want to attend the wedding without risking giving brith in Portugal :eh:

I think it's upto you about going to London for a leg over but you best get going as it's a few hours drive :)

When did you last bd?

Forget the OPKs and just do it because i think you'll regret it if you don't ;)

And yes, it is crazy, but so what lol
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Get going to London i say :) sounds exactly what i would do.....
I think I'm gonna go but I feel like a right nutter!!! :)

Train at 2 there for 4pm!!

Hubby's gonna be cross though when I tell him I don't know for sure I just think I'll OV he thinks I'm crazy and obsessed!

I'm not in the good books as I planned not to use OPKs but how the hell do I predict OV without them, CD 15- CD25 I'll have to BD for over 2 weeks solid to not miss it and I'd never know when AF was due!

I'm waiting til 2pm and then doing one if its a smile I'm going!

I'm not F****** happy with hubby and everyone else that's telling me just to chill out it will fucking happen and not be crazy, I wish they were in my shoes!!

I need to use OPKs and it's not my fault they are being a bit crazy at the moment!

Maybe, you don't have to justify yourself to anyone.

If you want to use OPKs, it's no one's business - not even your hubby's really.

It might be a bit of a mood killer though if he is being a bit pissy with you but as long as you aren't inconveniencing him then i don't see what the big deal is. It's you that has to sit on a train for 4 hours :hug:
You know what Lou if I had regular cycle I could live without them but to be honest I don't see the benefit, it was worse wondering when OV was rather than knowing as per usual.

He's being pissy because he thinks I've already OV'd and I'm being mental, if I get a smiley he'll be like "Oh sorry babes" what annoys me is his opinion that I OV'd the other day is based on F*** all!

Rant rant rant lol!!

I'm peeing in 10, come an have a look will you...:)

Ok here you go it haass to be OV if not OV then pregegrs! I think OV though!

I really think my OP must have affected my LH or something??



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It's hard to say Maybe :eh: It's hard to pick out the dark line when they all look pretty dark.

I dunno about the op either. I don't really know how it could have affected your LH.

So are you on the train now? xx
Ahh I'm on the bloody train!! I got a smile!! I sent hubby the pic next to the time and date on my computer he better believe me in future!!

He's taking me out to make up for it! Nobu please..!

lol! That's great Maybe :)

I'm glad that you caught it and hubby has to eat some humble pie ;)

Have a nice evening in the city xx
yay! glad you got a smile maybe :) well worth the trip to london and a treat from hubby :) xxx
Lol I can't believe it's happened like this girls I've been bonking every day since the 11th!!

Bloody good job I backtracked from ntnp and got the OPKs and kept on doing them too otherwise I would have completely missed OV!

I'm doing it my way from now on including getting clomid next month, I know I OV and I can get preggers but I dont think I OV properly I can't go from oving on cd15 to cd25 and have a prefect cycle.

I'm a bit pissed of at my private doc as he made me look like a crazy ttc obsessed loon to hubby laughing at me saying no alchohol whilst ttc and telling me my cycles were normal and regular, I'm sorry but I really don't think mine are!

Fingers crossed I get preggo tonight because I'm sick of people thinking im crazy about ttc I'm not I'm just not convinced everything is as it should be and I'm not being negative I'm being realistic, I swear if I'm right I'm going to be so pissed off, no one listened when I had 5 chemicals and I'm going to stand my ground with my doc if this cycle isn't successful.
Wow this is exciting stuff lol

Women who have never had any problems ttc have no idea how we feel every single day, I think that is why I tell people I have a problem it stops them from saying, just relax and it will happen, try not to stress about it!!! Arghhhh :wall2:

When my opk's are playing me about, which is often :roll: I tend to check my cervix as I have found in the past that has helped me more, I dont always get ewcm so I cant rely on that.

I am pleased the opks finally gave you your smiley face, now get your butt to London and get on Big Ben :wink:
Lol Vicky you rudie!!

How are you, have you stopped clomid?

aww thats dead exciting u gettin the train to london!!!
u big romamtic you ;) lol
have a lovely night

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