Combination feeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2014
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Apologies for posting in the wrong section, but Combi feeding section doesn't have much activity...

Anyway, just looking for some advice on combination feeding. I am currently breastfeeding, but would like to try giving my son a bottle of formula just before bed.

I'd like to start at three weeks. I am a little concerned about nipple confusion, however, my MW seemed to think it is a myth.

I've also just bought a pump, so I can express and we can use bottles when we go out.

Does anyone have any experience with BF+FF? Is three weeks too early to start mixing boob and bottle? I am really worried that if I give him a bottle he will fail to latch on to boob.

Thanks ;)
We started on bottles of expressed when DS was a week old, I don't really know how we did it but we just kind of went for it! I left the room while hubby fed him as he point blank refused to do it whilst I was there, he just wanted my milk and got extremely distressed. I strongly recommend getting someone else to feed for the first while, everything I've heard from other mummies and my own experience says that bf babies can gt extremely distressed if they can hear or smell mummy and someone else is trying to feed them, they just want boob! We never had any nipple confusion, I was told it generally tends to happen with older babies.

I agree with kumber, it's recommended that someone else gives the bottle to begin with until Lo is used to it

I've just started trying myself at 4 weeks. I have a medela pump and bottles and so far Lo won't take the bottle, she nearly did last night but I don't know if the teat is too long. A friend has given me a Tommy bottle to try today
My LO was not sucking properly for his first two weeks, and was losing weight fast and forever hungry. At the advice of the PD, we started to give him bottle, first with expressed milk and after a day or so it was clear my supply wasn't enough so had to also give him some formula top ups. So we started at 2 weeks, but at the advice of the lactation consultant I ALWAYS, always offered him boob first, then gave him some expressed / formula if needed more.

Gradually I was able to build up my supply and remove all formula top ups, and eventually, after 4 weeks, we removed all bottles. The fact that the boob was always the first thing he had, reduced the risk of confusion I think. But I understand that every baby is different, and some may take a preference for the bottle, whereas others will never refuse the boob regardless. So I think you have to probably see for yourself. Usually the advice is to avoid artificial nipples until 8 weeks or so when your milk supply is well established.

Just curious - why would you want to offer him formula rather than expressed breast milk? By replacing one feed with formula, you're telling your body to produce less milk, as there is less demand. It would be better for your milk supply to express that bottle each day and still let your hubby feed by bottle....
I started combi feeding at around 4 weeks, just one bottle every couple of days which didn't mess up my supply other than I occasionally became engorged and had to hand express to reduce engorgement before feeding (I didn't at first and baby filled up on foremilk and I got a foremilk hind milk imbalance). I struggle with expressing other than an engorged breast.

I wanted to combi feed as I had a fear of baby being distressed if anything ever happened to me a bf wasn't available to him, and also I found it really difficult to feed in public and in front of family for a while. I never fed him from bottle myself other than one stressful time when friends were over.

After baby's first vaccine, which he had late at 12 weeks ish, hehad blood in his stools and lots of green frothy poo. Been to hospital etc and they believe it to be a cows milk allergy. So no more formula allowed. I am now on coconut milk too.

My baby didn't struggle at all with bottle feeding other than preferring the faster flow teats. I found the nuk bottles best. He did gulp a little more air so just needed winding more than after bf.
Combi fed from 10 days n never had any probs with nipple confusion n nice that daddy cud help out!! He gave him the first few bottles but after that I cud feed too. Altho my milk wasn't enough n he was losing weight that's why I had to do it so altho I expressed aswell he went into formula full-time from 3 wks roughly as he was so hungry n needed the formula.

Thank you all. Didn't know about getting someone else to feed for the first time.

A couple of reasons for Combi feeding. Baby only sleeps in two hour intervals, so I would like to give him a little formula before bed.

I've also bought a pump so I can express and give him a bottle of breast milk when we are out.

I love breast feeding so am paranoid that he would prefer a bottle! Whether breast milk or formula....

Also, what is the best brand of milk to buy? Or do I just try them all and see which one we get on with best?
It's just a case of trial and error. We used Aptamil but it caused horrendous colic so we switched to HiPP and haven't looked back!

We did combi feeding quite early on too due to reflux issues and frequent feeds. I was totally exhausted and it worked really well for me and LO to go to bed at 9, Daddy did dream feed at 11pm and then I did bf at 2-3am then 6am again, but that 5hr block of sleep just made all the difference.

Your breast supply adjusts to what you decide to do, but I found my supply generally better when not so tired.

My LO had no confusion about nipples that had milk coming out, but clearly found the idea of a dummy totally confusing...**why the hell would I suck that when nothing comes out???**
I was pleased that we did introduce bottles early as I did see a few people who wanted their LOs to take bottles later who wouldn't!

Hardest part about combi feeding is knowing how much to give and when, but don't worry about the trial and error thing. My HVs were crap at giving me advice on this too, so just trust your instinct.
Hardest part about combi feeding is knowing how much to give and when, but don't worry about the trial and error thing. My HVs were crap at giving me advice on this too, so just trust your instinct.

Ahh, that's a good point about the amount to give! I wouldn't have a clue how much he needs right now.

I've also heard good things about Hipp formula, so will start with that one, I think.

We want to do exactly what you did re night feeds. Daddy to feed at around 11 so I can sleep, and then I will feed baby in the night.
Ladies, I am planning on giving my boy a bottle tonight.

I am somewhat I need to give him boob first or do we just go with the bottle straight away?
Bottle first hun, it may take some coaxing but keep at it. Do make sure you leave the room though and wait until he has finished before you say anything or enter the room again, it will make it easier for bubs to accept the bottle if he can't hear you, see you or smell your milk.

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Thank you kumber! Do I need to give him boob after???

I am feeling a little anxious about it :( I hope it works for us!
You can give him boob after, yes :) You do feel so anxious but, as hard as it is, try not to as he will pick up on it and it will put him off. Try and keep relaxed around him beforehand, and when you're off in your own room let all the anxiety out then. When you go back into the room to offer boob, try and get rid of the anxiety again so all he's getting are happy vibes from you and whoever is feeding him.

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Not if you're using it as a substitute for a feed Bigbee. Let him take the bottle and shouldn't need to feed on you again until his next feed. Good luck, looking forward to hearing how you get on x
Not if you're using it as a substitute for a feed Bigbee. Let him take the bottle and shouldn't need to feed on you again until his next feed. Good luck, looking forward to hearing how you get on x

Ooohh this actually makes more sense. I was thinking that it might help settle him but it might be better to just take the plunge and stop boobing for this feed altogether

Good luck bigbee. I am in the same situation. Hubby has given him his bottle and is currently trying to settle him off. I feel useless for a change! Fingers crossed it works for us both x
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A little update ladies.

Little man had a boob feed at 8 pm and then at 9 pm. Was unsettled and wouldn't fall asleep so we gave him a bottle at 10.45 pm. He drank 90 ml (3 oz) out of available 120 ml. He didn't seem to mind the bottle, although took him a while to drink the first ounce.

Fell asleep for half an hour only to wake up screaming, demanding boob, which I provided.

Slept for 3 hours after that.

So, our little experiment didn't quite go to plan, and I am quite surprised he wanted boob so soon after bottle??!! :( we will try again a few more times though.
That's great he took the bottle hun! It'll take a bit of time for him to get used to the bottle being his meal, keep persevering :)


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