CM (eurghh)


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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As a newbie to this business, could someone just clear something up for me - cm, should it be stretchy when ovulating or watery? As I've just read posts that have said both and I'm confused (though it doesn't take much) :doh:

cheers ladies :D

dont worry hun Im very confused about it my self but have been told this this am..

You dont have to have it..but it helps as it is part of the environment that helps the sperm swim up the cervix etc and catch the egg- it latches on to the stringiness of the ewcm to swim up.

it is possible to have what is called 'hostile cm' which means it doesnt let the sperm through the cerivix, or worst case, kills the sperm.

However, this is rather rare and in your case i would look at ways to increase it if this is your worry.

As far as pinpointing ov- there are no better ways than using opk's-but better yet, temping. I dont do temping but its a foolproof way. I use a cbfm and it tells me when i am about to ovulute and when i have. Your cm can be a great help in telling you when you are fertile-however its not an indicator of ov as it can happen at any time during ov- you can have residual estrogen in your system which will produce ewcm even after ov. I.e. i had ewcm for a week before i ov'd this month as o ov'd late.

Basically, there's no easy way in this ttc malarkey except fighting it out and hoping for the best!!
Every month since I came off the pill, I've had stretchy CM, but not realy much watery CM. But this time, I've had no stretchy, but lots of really watery. Does that sound weird? Which is better to have - stretchy or watery? I will be using PreSeed this time anyway, so if I do get pregnant, I won't know if it's down to that or my excess of CM. Or maybe it will just be luck, lol.

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