
Isaac's pooh doesnt smell that bad to me but my boyfriend heaves when he changes him and last weekend my dad had to leave the room because it was making his eyes water lol
Depends what mil they are on to how much they poo and how it smells. Damien's was god damn awful when he was on aptamil, but only once a day.
When of expressed BM it smelt like melted butter or something, but was a good 4+ tiems a day.
now he is on SMA Gold and a cocktail of drugs it looks like 'grown up' poo which is strange ans smells like manky cabbages.

I pay too much attention to his bowel movements :shock: :roll: :lol:
Lou, my Jessica does at least 3 a day. Even the cat doesnt go as much as her. She is as regular as a pensioner on prunes.

As for the clothes, tempting as it was to keep her in sleepsuits, due to the high volume of new clothes we were given I dresses her in clothes every day. My favourites were all in one romper suits (very cute and girly) from next, basically the same as sleepsuits but without feet. Also, I loved leggings and tops. Dresses, not so much as they all seemed to be button up the back which I dont like.

With baby number 2 and less time I might be more tempted to opt for sleepsuits but I do think they know the difference between night and day but dressing them is just a small part of the routine.

Urchin, keep smiling, one day your baby will grow up and be pooped over by their own offspring.


Isaac has been trumping his but off today but no sign of a pooh as yet...

...I expect it will come in the middle of the night. I've just eaten a chicken madras so I've got my own worries in the pooh department to deal with lol

Lou :)
he, he, there is nothing funnier than a farting baby. Jess does it now then shouts, awww daddy! Poor sod gets the blame for everything. Firsttimedaddy beware!
lauramum01 said:
he, he, there is nothing funnier than a farting baby. Jess does it now then shouts, awww daddy! Poor sod gets the blame for everything. Firsttimedaddy beware!

lol The other evening I was upstairs and Isaac and Jarrod were in the living room. One of our neighbours Ann came round and Jarrod had just done a big smelly trump. When Ann walked in I heard Jarrod say "sorry about the smell I've just changed Isaac's nappy"! When I came downstairs I picked Isaac up and while I was chatting to Ann Isaac trumped and I said "sorry about that Ann, he has'nt had a pooh yet today". Ann looked at Jarrod as if to say you fibbing smelly git!

Lou :)
Jamie is a typical man....lifts his bum up to fart!!!!!!! lol his facial expression is classic!!!! :D
Hi guys,

Sorry not replied to any of you, just got home from being rushed to hospital on thursday night with abdominal pains!!! :cry: Turns out I have gall bladder problems!

Anyway, what happened???? it turned from a clothes thread to a poo thread :lol:

He poohs now every other day rather than everyday.
Jack usually poos once a day at the most, I was worried but apparently its normal!!!

I put him in a plain baby grow for bed and a detailed one (i.e picture ones) in the day times.

he has outfits that are aged 3 - 6 so i will start useing them then

I like your thinking Layla!!! I was thinking I would start dressing him at 3 months!!!
hannah was in cloths from day one i like them to know which is day and night and she only had babygrows on at night
I'm from sunny Florida and Ava was born in the summer so she was mostly in onesies during the day and sleepsuits at night. She's been wearing normal clothes from birth.

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