Clearout before labour ......... question???


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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Dont know if any of you ladies can shed some light on this topic??
I went to the toilet this afternoon (number 2's) and i can only assume that this was my clearout as they say...................but with it i had really intense like contraction period pains with it. it was very unusual , there was no pattern to them but i couldnt get off the toilet as the pain was combined with the feeling of me really needing to go.
just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything simular????
thanks in advance
I have been going daily the last couple of days (after my dry spell lmao) but today i have been having these pains like i really need to go for a number 2 but i get to the toilet and nothing!!! what the hell is that all about perhaps its not number 2 pain i have no idea, perhaps someone can help us both out :D
me too, ladies. still not had a baby though. until he's hanging outta me i'm not believing anymore of these 'signs'!
just been again but had some tiny bits of blood. I really hope i havent got piles now thats just taking the p**s!! Hope this baby comes out soon as i dont know how much more i can take :( :cry: :cry: :cry:
lol i started reading this post thinking you meant a house clearout!! :oops:

i am the opposite i am so constipated,have not been properly since tuesday :x :o its so painful! :doh: :(
Bits of blood?? are you sure its from your bum and not your moo coz it could be a little bit of plug possibly? :hug: iv also been "clearing out" for the past 4 days... probably baby just being so low down now? x
ooh me 2! over the last few months i've been really constipated but over the last week everything seems to be sorting itself out :D except when i when to the loo yesterday, i didnt feel like i was particuarly straining :oops: but when i wiped there was bright red blood. definatley not a show, and was bright red. i wiped again to try and be sure it was from the back end but then there was not a thing on there from either end. wow im gettting graphic now sorry all :lol: So was a little worrying, not happened since.

with the cramping pains, i was told this was down to being constipated, i was skeptical because i felt i was going quite well at the time :D but apparently it can build up and your not "clearing out" everything that you need to. so i do think it will be related to needing to go but your body is not completely emptying.

Im not reading this post back for spelling mistakes because i think everything i've written is a bit :puke: :puke: but hey just like to help :D

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