Clary Sage?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2014
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Hi girls,
So I went to my first NCT class on sat (don't think they're going to be that useful BTW!!) and the teacher was talking about Clary Sage as something renowned for bringing on labour. I'm only 33wks tomorrow so not thinking of it just yet but I've got GTT so likely to be induced around 39 weeks so wondered if it might help me!
Read a bit online but seem to be differing views on it so just wondered if any of you lot had heard anything about using it? Xxx
I used it when I was overdue. Every morning I'd have a few hours of contractions that didn't become the real thing so I out a drop of clary sage on some tissue as soon as they started and put it by my laptop as I worked. I don't think it actually did anything as they never progressed. When I was in actual labour in hospital I had some on a tissue that I was inhaling during contractions. Not sure if it was that or the hypnobirth breathing or just chance but I did have a very short labour to 10cm! Maybe ask you midwife about it as I don't think it's recommended if you aren't actually in labour? X
I have been reading about it and people have said about putting some in a bath to help bring on labour from 37 weeks onwards. I am going to try all I can to bring baby early/on time - purely just because my other half has holiday booked from work from a week or so before due date and a week after so ideally want baby here so he has as much time with him as possible!!!
When i was having a bath earlier i noticed my bubble bath says 'with clary sage' on the front.
This is not going to hurt is it, or send me into early labour?! Lol x
Lol Carla, keep those legs crossed then ;)

Thanks for the replies guys, think I need to read more into it. I read that a bath mixed with that the CS and milk together is good too?? I was thinking of using it just before induction really to hopefully speed that along- will do anything I think at that point! My friend also said to start on the raspberry leaf tea now or next week for it to have full effect...I thought you weren't meant to have it until 37 weeks though? Xx
Id be interested in finding out of people have found it to work or not. I know they say baby will come when it wants to come but I'd like to have options to give it a nudge in the right direction
Lol Carla, keep those legs crossed then ;)

Thanks for the replies guys, think I need to read more into it. I read that a bath mixed with that the CS and milk together is good too?? I was thinking of using it just before induction really to hopefully speed that along- will do anything I think at that point! My friend also said to start on the raspberry leaf tea now or next week for it to have full effect...I thought you weren't meant to have it until 37 weeks though? Xx

Do u know u are going to be induced?
If so you are not recommended to use anything to help start labour beforehand such as raspberry leaf tea etc so assume same would apply to clary sage x
Lol Carla, keep those legs crossed then ;)

Thanks for the replies guys, think I need to read more into it. I read that a bath mixed with that the CS and milk together is good too?? I was thinking of using it just before induction really to hopefully speed that along- will do anything I think at that point! My friend also said to start on the raspberry leaf tea now or next week for it to have full effect...I thought you weren't meant to have it until 37 weeks though? Xx

Do u know u are going to be induced?
If so you are not recommended to use anything to help start labour beforehand such as raspberry leaf tea etc so assume same would apply to clary sage x

Damn!! Unfortunately so, I've got GD and because I'm now on insulin it's highly likely I will be induced around 39 weeks as even though baby is growing at an average amount, they can't guarantee placenta deterioration. Rubbish, was hoping I could try coax him a couple of days before so I don't have to go through the induction ...very wishful thinking! Wonder why you can't take those if induced? XXX
Yeah i looked into it as i have gd too and am likely to be induced. I think its because induction can make contractions a lot quicker, a lot stronger and a lot more painful and they dont like u to do anything to interfere with that!
I would just LOVE it if baby wanted to come on his own, before the induction date! I'm at peace with the whole induction thing, but would prefer to be at home as long as I can really. Do you know when your last growth scan is before induction is discussed? Think mine is in 4 weeks, I'll be 37+2 then so hopefully they will have an idea. Xx
Ps- I think if I am induced if he decided to stay put I am so having an epidural towards then end!! Xx
I have GD too...only diet controlled. I just about managed to stay off the metformin although it was borderline at some points. I am being induced at 40 weeks. Have a chat to your consultant about what you can/cannot use. I've been advised to avoid raspberry leaf tea by mine.

I would just LOVE it if baby wanted to come on his own, before the induction date! I'm at peace with the whole induction thing, but would prefer to be at home as long as I can really. Do you know when your last growth scan is before induction is discussed? Think mine is in 4 weeks, I'll be 37+2 then so hopefully they will have an idea. Xx

I have a growth scan next wed when i will be 36 wks, i am hoping i get a date for induction then to be honest as i havent got a clue whats happening really. I saw the diabetic doctor 2 days ago and he said he wants a definite plan in place by next time he sees me on 27th oct (36+6) so was planning to speak to the obs consultant. I have an appt with obs consultant on tues but this is the day before my next growth scan as they couldnt do both appts on same day, so am gonna try and get an answer from her then. My diabetic doc seems more keen for me to be induced at 38wks - last time i saw consultant she said they could maybe induce me on due date. Who knows! X
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How is your baby looking on the growth scan Carla? How have yours been too bonfire? My scan this the at 33 weeks looked good apparently- within range and not over the lines...but they said they think he weighs around 5lbs and they were happy, but that sounds alot for now don't you think? Or am I being daft? I've found a way to have biscuits by the way, I now have a treat everyday in the morning just before a dog walk and my bloods are fine, it's made such a difference to my mood lol. I'm struggling today though, just want to eat the entire contents of my kitchen. Xxx
Had growth scan on 7th october when i was exactly 34 weeks and they estimated him at 5lb 10oz!
I thought this was quite big and it is near the top line on my growth chart but no one was concerned at all.
He had however put on 1lb 13oz since my 31 week scan.
Have another scan on wed at 36 weeks! X
U fortunately clary sage didnt work for me. Just gave me a MASSIVE headache evertime i used it.
Neither did anything else lol and he arrived 10 days overdue.

As he was my 1st babyI have nothing to compare it too, but i like to think (mws have also agreed) that the RLT tea and capsules I was taking from 35wks seemed to of helped shorten my labour and help loads contract my uterus after birth.
My labour was 8 hours from 1st contraction to him being born.
MWs tend to make out 1st labours go on and on and on.

So this time around ill be just doing RLT again go help labour, but not try and induce, i dnt think they really work unless u overdose the recommended amount! X
Had growth scan on 7th october when i was exactly 34 weeks and they estimated him at 5lb 10oz!
I thought this was quite big and it is near the top line on my growth chart but no one was concerned at all.
He had however put on 1lb 13oz since my 31 week scan.
Have another scan on wed at 36 weeks! X

Think I'll be similar- I was only 33 weeks when they said 5,lbs! They said better to be slightly over than under too! Ooo will you be given your induction date do you think? Xx
U fortunately clary sage didnt work for me. Just gave me a MASSIVE headache evertime i used it.
Neither did anything else lol and he arrived 10 days overdue.

As he was my 1st babyI have nothing to compare it too, but i like to think (mws have also agreed) that the RLT tea and capsules I was taking from 35wks seemed to of helped shorten my labour and help loads contract my uterus after birth.
My labour was 8 hours from 1st contraction to him being born.
MWs tend to make out 1st labours go on and on and on.

So this time around ill be just doing RLT again go help labour, but not try and induce, i dnt think they really work unless u overdose the recommended amount! X

Think I'm going to go for the RLT too! Need to get some this week. I won't be allowed to go over the DD so I just want him to come on his own ha! Will just have to sit and tweak my nipples every night whilst eating pineapple and bouncing on my gym ball! Xx

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