Clary sage oil anyone?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2014
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Went into Holland and barrett today for some nice bath oils to help me relax and try and relieve some of my SPD pain and the woman suggested clary sage oil to kick start labour and help relax me. She said add it to my bath n sniff oil off a cloth and it's highly recommended to start off contractions.
Anyone tried this before?
Never tried it but have heard about it from my sister and a lot of her friends used it. Not sure if it works but they do say to avoid it until later in pregnancy so maybe there's something to it.
I used it when I was overdue and started labour about an hour later but the contractions were horrendous. Far too strong far too quickly and it was horrific. I would never use it again.

If you want to try it only use is once full term but I definitely will never use it again.
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Ive been put on primrose oil ment to soften ur cervix im going into town today so will buy some of this and try it to x
Clary sage isn't meant to be used until after due date. Xx
Nope. As it can cause really intense contractions, even if baby isn't ready. So prolonged and painful labour. Xx
The woman in H&B said it's safe when full term. Which I am.
I've sniffed it just purely to see what it smells like as heard it was meant to pong, don't smell too bad....gonna paint my down stairs toilet and hallway and then do a bit housework and then add some to my bath (which she said has to be JUST luke warm or the vapours will evaporate) then she said if I mix some with a carrier oil (baby oil or cooking oil) and massage into bump then that's meant to help!
I had horrendous contractions with my first (12 yr ago) and my sleeping angel (15 months ago) and my other was a section. Fingers crossed you see my new baby post tomorrow (although watch it not work for me ;(...) had accupuncture y'day (due to car crash I was in in jan) and the physio out some into my hands as well as that's meant to induce labour 6-48 hours later and that did nothing x
Im in slow labour. Have been for 2 weeks. Tired and in pain already. Cervic is dilating but not enough. Plus irregular pains. Will ring my midwife monday and ask her x
There's pressure points in the hand that's why they would have done the acupuncture there.

Should look into the pressure points, some midwives offer it
Thy wont as im not 38 weeks for another week and 3 days even then they wont do anything but a sweep xx
Ah never. Speak to someone in a health shop like Holland and barrett and see if they can suggest anything x
Im on primrose oil to give the sweep she mentioned doing at 38 weeks a good chance but ill qsk her on monday what she thinks to the oil x
Clary sage used to be used for abortions, it has properties that can send you into labour but it makes contractions very intense and quick and can be quite distressing for you and baby. My mum is a nurse and told me not to try it, as it can be quite dangerous.
Babies will come when they're ready as horrible as it is waiting. Best not to risk any complications.
Its just annoying that ive been in pain for 18 days now. Dilating the lot and nothing x
If you're going to use it please be careful and use very very sparingly. I really regret giving it a go as labour was the early contractions were far too intense far too quickly and stayed that way for three days. I'm sure it works well for some, but for me (and of course I can not be 100% sure clary sage was the cause) my early latent labour went on for almost two days, contractions three minutes apart throughout and I could barely cope. I just don't think baby was ready to come even though I was ten days late. This all started shortly after my first clary sage 'bath' (I used some oil in a burner and lit the candle while I soaked in the tub so I only had the aroma, no skin contact). I'll be waiting until baby decides to do his/her thing on his/her own this time! Good luck xx
How long after your 'bath' did you start getting contractions? I'm in so much pain with SPD it's unreal x

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