
sorry minikins, if I sounded like I was telling you off! :oops:

I probably struggled as well to put my feelings into words, and I really apologise if it sounded stronger than I wanted to put it.

As LouisecH wrote, Religion "is an emotive topic"!
And with hormonal's bound to create some quakes!!!

Also, my husband being a muslim, I have developped the tendency to protect him, or even defend him or his religion...
But I can understand that people don't all feel for circumcision!

Apologies again if I sounded too harsh, esp. to Minikins!

Take care,
Mel xx
Hi Kim

Male circumcision is not illegal here. In fact if it's for religious reasons it can be done on the NHS before 3 months.
If someone were to have their baby circumsized, how old is the baby when it happens?

xoxo Ree
It's normally done when they are tiny - before 2 month of age.
I had a lady I worked with once in this country who wanted her baby done but she couldn't find anywhere to do it as it wasn't a religious thing just her preference. I don't think they like doing it over here unless they HAVE to xx
melhoney said:
Also, my husband being a muslim, I have developped the tendency to protect him, or even defend him or his religion...

I would be protective too, that's a nice thing. Thanks for this post I feel better now :)

Like you said religion is an emotive subject, shame really as it's so interesting!

Take care

Here it is done when they are 2 days old.

xoxo Ree
This may be a little personal - but how do they do it? I know what it look like afterwtards etc, but do they just pull the skin up and cut? Sorry if I sound stupid asking - I'm just intregued. (sp?)
Thanks for that link, Sami, I had heard that circumcision lowered the risk of AIDS/HIV, but hadn't found any information about it.
DH is circumcised (medical reason), my brother was circumcised (medical reason) and my other brother I think was circumcised after he dropped the wooden toilet seat on his willy (from a height, he was young and had it flopped on the edge of the toilet - you wouldn't believe the blood!).
Personally I feel it seems cleaner/more hygenic to be circumcised, it's never caused DH any problems and it's something I would consider if we had a boy. However I also do wonder whether it should be down to the individual to choose (the boy concerned). DH was told he was having an operation on a hernia (which he did have) but they also circumcised him at the same time. He was at an age where he realised that he was aware of his bits and I think that was a really mean thing to do to him.
Rosieroo - it's normally done when the child is very small so they won't remember it being done as it is far more painful and traumatic for an older child. I do agree that it was mean to tell your DH that he was having a hernia op and then whip off his foreskin! Poor boy - it must have been awful for him. But if it's done when v. young, why would you miss what you've never had?

I'm a bit surprised by how emotive this subject has been. I'd never really given it much thought, but suppose I'd always expected a son to be circumcised for the hygene aspects (jewish partner aside), but perhaps that's because I'm half American?

If we were talking female circumcision it would be a whole different kettle of fish.

And Sami, yes, I think that's exactly what they do.
Have found some info about how circumcision is performed. I searched for a while to find something with no pictures on. One thing that suprised me was that it was done under local not general but then I guess with young babies the risks of a general are too much. ... enDocument

It was rally hard to find a neutral article and this was the best I could come up with. Skidoo it is a very emotive topic, I have been on a number of forums where they have had to lock the thread as it has become very heated. I think as a forum we should be proud of ourselves that we can talk about this and find out different views.
Beanie - thanks for the informative link. Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised by how emotive it is, but I certainly agree that we're doing well to discuss it on the forum without getting the topic locked for getting too heated!
lol amen to that! In another forum i go to there are 2 circum threads, pages and pages long and locked.. but becuase it seems such common practice over there, i wanted yous guys oppinion over on our side of the pond.

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