Circuit training advice/ feel like a pie rant!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
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Hi all,

My pregnancy was very unplanned/unexpected and since January I had been circuit training (I wanted to get more fit as although I'm not big, I've never been fit).

The circuit training comes under plyometrics I think - it's sit ups, push ups, burpees, squats, jump squats, leg raises, twist sit-ups etc etc... It's technically not hiit because you do four rounds of 7 minutes ( if it was true hiit I'm sure you couldn't go for much more than 1-3 minutes). It's hard going and part of the guide does include further hiit, liss (low intensity steady state)and stretches. I've stopped altogether don't feel motivated to do anything else in place!

Is it safe to do these kind of exercises (obviously NO HIIT) slowly and with lower intensity? Or should I wait another two weeks to ask a midwife? I'm about 8 weeks.

After a week of nausea I was worried about losing weight (another post), but in fact it seems to have eased off and I'm eating everything to ward off nausea (really seems to work) now I feel like a pie!

Rant over haha!
I would certainly not recommend sit ups, twists, leg raises or anything similar that works your rectus abdominis muscles (the vertical muscles either side of the belly button running from the pubic bone to the rib cage)

These muscles normally get separated during the pregnancy anyway to create room for the bump. Doing the above exercises exacerbates the split without actually creating greater abdominal strength. This increases chances of these muscles remaining split after the pregnancy and not healing back together, something called "diastasis recti" which is responsible for the so-called "mummy tummy" (horrid term!) or a tummy that just would not go back to flat or pre-pregnancy state.

Hope some of what I said above makes sense
I was doing circuit training before I got pregnant and my dr said a big fat no to me continuing. Also in my first trimester I would have barfed all over the place. Circuits are seriously hard! If you ask your gym they could give you sone excersizes to do. Otherwise youtube does loads of pregnancy stuff you can follow. I have done nothing but walking and swimming. Not what I intended but just haven't felt up to anything else. X
Thanks both.. Hmm yeah I don't wanna cause any harm! that's a shame though I don't feel motivated by the little and often if you get me? So I find myself doing very little. It's the only exercise routine I've ever pretty much stuck to and I was just feeling like I was getting where I wanted and then ... pregnant.

That's interesting about the abs though as mine had just been getting a lot stronger so I don't know if that puts me in a bad place for split muscles.

I guess I'll just have to get some pregnancy suggested exercises and force myself as I know it's good for baby. I liked it because results were so fast but I guess my exercise goals can't be the same now!
I agree that you should avoid the circuits but you could continue with HIIT in a form - you need to monitor yourself don't get too hot and don't work beyond being able to speak and work out at the same time. I am still seeing my PT he knows I am PG and has adapted what we are doing. His take on it was if you were fit and working out before there is no reason not to continue. Drs and MW recommend exercise during pregnancy, it can help with symptoms such as sickness and discomfort and it also helps aid sleep. As a bonus it helps you recover post natal but it can also be a help in labour and birth if you are fit and strong. This is my second pg I did little to no exercise in my first and regretted it I plan to try and exercise through this pg to show my daughter a good example and be fit and healthy for when I have two mucnhkins to be running around after!
Thanks! I was part way through couch to 5k, I might pick that up again until I can speak to midwife. My circuits were quite intense so I maybe best to wait and see. I just thought I could maybe do them slower or something but didn't think about all the above about the abs. So much to consider hehe
I know how you feel about not wanting yo loose what you've built up but the body remembers so it won't be as hard next time. I miss circuits and running and cycling almost as much as I miss wine. Ha ha.
I do circuits but mine is hiit designed

Skinnypigs in the north east
It's hard really hard but since falling pregnant all I've done is lower the intensity and reduce the weights to the lightest or body weight

The most ab work I do is a plank or side plank.

Tbh I've never been a fan of ab work it only requires so much strengthening and after that it's diet to show them off

Our intervals are only 30seconds work and 30secobds rest

Just listen to your body and avoid ab

Can you alter your routine? Xx
Thanks. The guide is Kayla Itsines, I'm not sure if you are familiar with it but I love it. Each workout is made up of two circuits which you do twice (4 x 7 minutes). Within the 7 minutes you repeat the exercises until the timer stops. There are usually 3/4 workouts a week along the lines of arms,abs, legs, full body and on the in between days you do low intensity stuff like 40 minutes walking or jogging and stretching sessions. Toward the end of the guide you introduce HIIT sessions.

I was never doing all of that, I usually managed 2 workouts a week and i lost weight and felt stronger just doing that. I wondered if I could just select some exercises and do them slowly. I do find it builds muscle, maybe i should just do cardio at the moment.

I think its tough to find the balance really, healthy for you and baby and interesting/motivating but not harmful.

Interesting to see what other people do though thanks!

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