Feeling like crap *warning - self indulgent rant*

Well I rang the scan department again and managed to get through, finally. The lady there was lovely and very apologetic, but says they have nothing earlier at all. She said that with my 12th week being the Bank Holiday week, they are having to push a lot of ladies into week 13. Some are apparently being booked for 13+5. I asked what happens if my dates are brought forward on the day and she said she was sure they could still do the NT scan, but she didn't sound at all sure.

I think if my dates are any issue at all at the private dating scan on Saturday, I will have to ring the midwife to ask the question.

I'm glad you have pushed on this hun,

I know that waiting for the scan isn't this issue but if you def want the downs screening you do need it by a certain date.

I think maybe see how your dates are at your scan and then contact midwife...

I am sure all will be fine though, and worst case scenario you can have the down's screening later via just a blood test but I know you just want it out of the way!


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