

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Omg I am soo excited for Xmas already, I always get excited and feel like a kid at Xmas even though I get older every year but its gonna be soo awesome having my little baby girl here for christmas :D I must be mental I've bought her ten presents today already and wrapped them :p I keep looking at em and getting a rush of excitement :D xx pointless post girls sorry :p
I LOVE xmas! Im 31 and my mum still does a stocking for me :)
Bought a xmas stocking for Bubs the other day that says Babys 1st christmas. Fx I dont go overdue lol
Lol damn I wish I had a stocking still hehe :p I think cuz winter is drawing in as well I'm getting really excited hehe :) x
I'm looking forward to it too, especially all the yummy food & crappy tv programmes & films. And having a wee baby to cuddle up with!

Gonna be an expensive one this year though, 7y/o wants a laptop from santa :roll: baby will just be getting a wee teddy or something though, and some baby 1st xmas stuff!!

I know how you feel, I Love Christmas - still haven't got used to having warm, hot, sunny Christmas's over here- would love a white one!!!!! It's a million times better with Kids because you have the whole build up with advent calendar's, visits to Santa, Chrstmas parties etc... And then the looks of pure joy on their faces on Christmas morning!!!:)
Am hoping my little lady will be here by Christmas and not take after her big brother and arrive 2 weeks late and miss the whole thing!!!
Ive just ordered my baby's stocking, getting it personalised so she will grow up with it as I did. Also got a couple of my first Xmas bibs,hats & bootie sets for each visit to each grandparents :)
As she'll only be about 2months old we're not really bothering with presents although my mum said today shes bought her a present so we'll see lol
Happy due date tinks!

I must admit I do love xmas but I kinda haven't let myself think that far ahead yet.........but having read this I am feeling more excited!

Got my 1st wedding anniversary in December too so lots to look forward to with our new family member :)
Happy due date tinks!

I must admit I do love xmas but I kinda haven't let myself think that far ahead yet.........but having read this I am feeling more excited!

Got my 1st wedding anniversary in December too so lots to look forward to with our new family member :)

Thanks :0)
Think once the weather turns all us Christmas excitable people will start thinking about it more. It's been strange thinking of Christmas when we've been having this last minute heatwave!!
i cant wait for will be our first as a married couple wit boo boo on the way :D x
EEEP! So excited about Xmas, although knowing my luck I'll be in hospital with bump! What's a betting she arrives on Xmas day! We have no clue what we are doing for xmas, hubbys ex wife is cooking xmas dinner for us all, nice that we all get on lol. Saves us doing it, and it means we can rush off if anything kicks off bump wise. The lads are putting bets on when she arrives lol, before or after xmas? What do we think lol
I love Xmas and im really hoping my LO is here by then :pray: I really want him here for his first Xmas. X
Had midwife appointment this morning and she's promised to induce me on or a day or 2 after my due date if baby hasn't made an appearance by then so she'll definitely be here by then and I'll definitely be home with her for Christmas!!!!! One more reason to get excited about Christmas for us!!!!:)
First time in years I'm not cooking coz I'll be heavily pregnant. Going to my sisters instead. I'm selfish and I'll actually be annoyed if LO turns up on Xmas day, I want my turkey dinner loooool.
First time in years I'm not cooking coz I'll be heavily pregnant. Going to my sisters instead. I'm selfish and I'll actually be annoyed if LO turns up on Xmas day, I want my turkey dinner loooool.

Tell me about it! My MIL is under strict instructions to send me one to the hospital if I am!

Aw so exciting! Love Christmas! Will be the first one in our new house and my mum bought us a big 8ft black Xmas tree and gorgeous decorations and lights! Cannot wait! I did xmas dinner last year but my brother is doing it this year so everyone can play with the babies xxx jist thort will need to get 2 little stockings! X
I'm usually a big christmas kid, start getting excited and wanting to get my tree out like now :lol: But must admit, I can't even think about it right now- all I can focus on is baby coming. How odd.

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