childish ex friend lying about me


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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It is a long story but I've recently just given up on a friend of 6 years who has treated me like scum. I fell out with her before I was pregnant and when she found out she came back full of apologies. I got sucked in but she has gone back to her usual ways so I told her I don't have time for her games and I am going to be a mum in 3 months so I don't need it either.
She is now going around all my friends (who she is now trying to turn against me because she has no friends of her own) telling them that I've stole her girls name! I don't see how I have. For 6 years she has banged on about how her daughter would be called Sarah, now suddenly it is Aimee. She even got her 14 year old sister to add me onto MSN the other night and ask me why I stole the name!! Can't she fight her own battles?!
Thankfully my friends aren't paying any attention to her as they know what she is like but I am just fed of it. It is all childish as she doesn't even have children, she isn't pregnant and doesn't even have a boyfriend! Why make such a big deal over this name that she didn't even like?? ARGH, hormones are raging right now.
Really can't stand people like this, avoid her at all cost. She's bored with her life and wants to get involved in yours by whatever means she can. How childish saying she stole your name and she hasn't even got a boyfriend! Silence is golden, don't respond in anyway way to this idiot!

How old is she? 9!!!

Don't take any notice of this silly little girl hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
My ggodness getting pregnant soon sorts the good from the bad for friends doesn't it???

I am gald your friends are not beleiving her, it shows they are true friends and worth keeping.

I hope she will just sod off at some point.

Probably the thing that will make her most angry is to just ignore her, have your friends ignore her, and get on with your life.

I know what you mean about pregnancy hormones flaring up - a friend of mine had my ex send them a message. Wish these people would go away, just drop off the face of the planet or something... :?
skairdykat said:
How old is she? 9!!!

Amazingly no despite the fact she acts like a 9 year old! I was at her recent 22nd birthday dinner where she made a point and stating the fact that I was 'too pregnant' to go clubbing with everyone later that night at least a dozen times!! :x

I know that I should just let her get on with it but it is really upsetting me now. I can't avoid her as I live directly across the street from her. Her mum and sister ALWAYS give me abuse on the street whenever we've fallen out and I really can't be doing with it. I've been told by my doctor to elimate as much stress as I can due my blood pressure which is why I decided it was finally time to cut her out my life for good and she is still stirring it! :cry:
What a horrible and childish person. Your right to cut her out of your life, you don't need the stress and your better than her.
I hope she leaves you alone from now on :hug:
xjoann said:
Amazingly no despite the fact she acts like a 9 year old! I was at her recent 22nd birthday dinner where she made a point and stating the fact that I was 'too pregnant' to go clubbing with everyone later that night at least a dozen times!! :x

Thats just like my friend (from my post with rant) but opposite way round at mo, she keeps pestering me to go out clubbing and to bars 'before im too pregnant to go' i only have a small bump at mo but just havent felt like going out to bars etc as ive felt too nauseas or tired to go but she still makes the point that i should go anyway as im missing out, she also wont let my birthday just slip by quietly like i was hoping next week she thinks we should go to a bar even though ive said i dont want to! x
She sounds jealous of you :roll:

I'd ignore her :D
How sad and how annoying for you that she just can't accept that you don't want to be her friend any more in good grace and leave you in peace. She will get borred soon when she realises your friends don't believe her or care and its not going to get a reaction out of you!

I got really stressed out earlier in my pregnancy due to hastle from my sister she got pregnant and chose to have an abortion which annoyed me anyway because she purposely set out to get pregnant only a year earlier and then didnt stop drinking and taking drugs and lost it then expected loads of sympathy over baby she lost, then this time when she got pregnant by accident she decided to get rid then told everyone she had lost her baby and she should get sympathy and suport :think: When she found out I was pregnant she went mad saying how if she'd kept her baby it would have been good looking but mine would be fat and ugly like its Dad (who is neither) and sent messages threatening violence to my DH. She is so immature and I have put up with so much from her but now I have my baby to think about and the comments she made about my unborn child are to me unforgivable I have made the difficult decission to cut her out of our lives. She has tried to stir things with the rest of the family and make me look like the bad guy but I have kept the texts where she made threats and nasty comments about our baby so have proof and I know shes lying and they know what shes like so if they believe her then thats up to them! But I know how you feel :hug: :hug: :hug:
agree with midly, think she is probably jealous of you!

Although if someone is mad enough to get this 'creature' pregnant make sure that word gets round that the name you would give your second child would be 'fangita biscuit' to ensure she steals it...;)
Sounds like the exact same situation as me except i neever even entertained the idea of being friends again with my friend, but good for you cause at least this proves she is a bit of a twit!

Like you said hon you dont need that right now, she sounds dead jealous of you.

:hug: :hug:

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