child chipping -


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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what does everyone think to chipping children? Would you have it done?
it entails a small chip being inserted under the skin so that if necessary the exact location of the child can be established.

Using the recent events in Portugal as an example. If Madeleine was chipped she would be able to be located easily by activating the tracking device connected to the chip. She would be able to be traced within minutes.

I would have all mine done without a shadow of a doubt. Even though i would never dream of abandoning my children like madeleines parents did i would still like the reassurance of being able to track them should the unspeakable happen.

What does everyone else think to it?
In theory I suppose it's a good idea but what if it became common practice? Criminals get wise to these things and would soon have something to detect the chip and remove it (and I doubt their removal skills would be wonderful). Perhaps an argument against would be the whole big brother watching you thing (if it became common place I mean) and one of those things like storing DNA samples for easier police identification etc...I'm not sure what I think about chipping a child to be honest I can see the plus and minus to that.
Nicola said:
In theory I suppose it's a good idea but what if it became common practice? Criminals get wise to these things and would soon have something to detect the chip and remove it (and I doubt their removal skills would be wonderful). Perhaps an argument against would be the whole big brother watching you thing (if it became common place I mean) and one of those things like storing DNA samples for easier police identification etc...I'm not sure what I think about chipping a child to be honest I can see the plus and minus to that.

I agree with you. It sounds like a good idea but it could go wrong for many reasons. my personal choice would be not to get it done but i can understand why some parents would. they chip everything these days, mobile phones, credit cards etc. having my child chipped would make it seem like he's a robot.

let's say im 70% against and 30% for. :dance:
i think its a good idea, call me an evil stalker of a mother if u will lol but i think i would feel a whole lot better knowin that if Jam was snatched (GOD FORBID) that i could click a button and see his location flashin to me on a screen
I agree with others it DOES sound like a good idea, but I think its all too easy for an abducter to get it out, and I doubt this would be very humane.
it does sound like a good idea however i would not get mine done because of the reason that criminals would probably find a way of removing it/ and the whole what happens when the children grow up? could be a big brother thing, will everyone get the choice to have it removed etc. its a good idea on paper but i dont think it would work. xxxxx
To be honest I probably would have it.
Better safe than sorry I say. Even if an abductor got wise to it chances are they would leave the child and run away instead of trying to cut it out. The odds of them having a "detector" anyway would be very very slim.

you can get similar things now for mobile phones for then they get older. Great idea.
As long as the whole 'removing thing' was sorted I would def have it. I am dreading the day Dan asks me if he can go out........I am such a worrier but I know I will have to let go someday (according to my OH :wink: ) Personaly I think it should go one step further and we all get a little screen with a bleeping dot of where our children are at all times............but thats probably taking it too far! :lol:
I know that all sounds a bit big brotherish, but when it comes to my child they are too many :evil: people in this world and yes I am a paranoid, scared and worried mother!
Urchin said:
To be honest I probably would have it.
Better safe than sorry I say. Even if an abductor got wise to it chances are they would leave the child and run away instead of trying to cut it out. The odds of them having a "detector" anyway would be very very slim.

you can get similar things now for mobile phones for then they get older. Great idea.

the thing is with mobile phones is that the abducter could throw them away and still take the child.
A good Idea yes, as long as it can be removed by the age of 18 :)

I think at a young age its a brilliant idea as there proberly wont be a snatching of children, but when they are an adult I think they need to be let go and independant, I dont thinks its fair and would proberly rebell if it was me.
I guess it's alright as long as it can be removed....
I'm torn with this because although I'd want it doing for the sake of my children being kept safe, it makes me feel I'd be treating her like a dog or a cat!
Xena said:
I guess it's alright as long as it can be removed....
I'm torn with this because although I'd want it doing for the sake of my children being kept safe, it makes me feel I'd be treating her like a dog or a cat!

Yeah this is how I feel about it too, I'm just not sure about it at all.
Xena said:
I guess it's alright as long as it can be removed....
I'm torn with this because although I'd want it doing for the sake of my children being kept safe, it makes me feel I'd be treating her like a dog or a cat!

but in a way dogs and cats are treated better than kids by being chipped. does chipping your cat and not your child mean you value the loss of your cat more for example.??? :)
its the same with using reins on kids. ive always used them and my friend thinks its like treating them like dogs on leads. but i always say that id rather have my kids of a rein than a dog on a lead anyday
Im sorry to go against the tide but ive never heard anything so ridiculous!

Crime against kids HAS NOT risen, its the reporting of it and talking about it (as opposed to sweeping it under the carpet) that has risen, and our kids are in no more danger than we were at thier age.

Microchipping our pets is one thing, but our kids??? :shock:

What about teaching our kids about stranger danger, knowing where they are at all times and when too young to be left alone.........dont leave them alone! Kids need a certain amount of freedom and to feel like they are trusted, all this will do is send out the message that all kids are in constant danger and cant be trusted to know when they are in danger, (which just isnt true!!) and produce a generation of scared, negative, messed up and controlled young men and women. Ah right.....maybe that the point????

gets down off soapbox.
i once saw a thing about kids in china. Theyve got trackers on there mobiles and toys and stuff so when there going to school or walking home there parents can see exactly where they are. I think that was an excellent idea. Im not so sure about chipping kids though.
glitzyglamgirl said:
Im sorry to go against the tide but ive never heard anything so ridiculous!

Crime against kids HAS NOT risen, its the reporting of it and talking about it (as opposed to sweeping it under the carpet) that has risen, and our kids are in no more danger than we were at thier age.

Microchipping our pets is one thing, but our kids??? :shock:

What about teaching our kids about stranger danger, knowing where they are at all times and when too young to be left alone.........dont leave them alone! Kids need a certain amount of freedom and to feel like they are trusted, all this will do is send out the message that all kids are in constant danger and cant be trusted to know when they are in danger, (which just isnt true!!) and produce a generation of scared, negative, messed up and controlled young men and women. Ah right.....maybe that the point????

gets down off soapbox.

teaching a child stranger danger is of no use if the stranger comes through a window in the middle of the night with a drug soaked cloth and takes them.
there was a case not long ago where a little girl was in her bath and a man came in a took her , drove off with her and raped her and then dumped her in the middle of no where.,
Another case i remember was a girl being taken from a caravan window.

non of these children were abandoned and i can't see where teaching them stranger danger could have helped. :)
you can only start really teaching kids stranger danger when they are of an age where they will fully understand. Bethany would go with anyone who offered her sweets, chocolate or anything appealing.
I do understand what your saying budge, and yes we need a way of being able to find these kids quicker, but im just wary of this chipping thing as it seems a little OTT. I think someone else has already raised the point of the criminals finding a way of detecting these chips and removing them, so nothings failsafe, and it really really concerns me that its giving kids the wrong message.

I think what we need to tackle is why these people do it, have MUCH tougher sentencing for the people who show signs of heading this way such as flashers, buyers of child porn etc, detect and shut down every single website out there that encourages it, and bring back the death sentence for child rapists and murderers. We need to send the message to the evil sick feckers that we WILL NOT let them off lightly, and stamp out this type of crime altogether, instead of making life more difficult and controlled for our kids.

Thats just my opinion though and I understand its not a popular one.
OMG no! I'm with you glitzyglamgirl. The thing is that I have read too much about political corruption and general world history to trust that such things wouldn't be used against the people in the future. You really don't know what's around the corner in terms of our children's future- what if the state were to track them if they held views that they didn't like and were to persecute them or set them up? Ok, hands up I am a conspiracy theorist but if Communist China or Stalinist Russia or even the Narzis had had such a tool and could link it to, say, a National Database of religion, political leaning, medical records etc just imagine what they would have done with it? It's a long long shot but I think you'll find that the statistics say that our kids are more likely to be killed or seriously injured on the roads than by a stranger taking them, it's just that those road accidents are so common that they don't get reported in the same way. I read an article just now that said that 1 in 17 of us in Britain will be either killed or seriously injured in an accident involving a car during our lifetimes and no amount of chips or tracers would reduce that statistic. That really does give me nightmares.

i think its a good idea both my dogs are chipped and i wouldnt have a problem with chipping my kids i have the implant which is contraceptive i know but you cant see it and it was painless to put in i think anything to stop a child being abducted or killed, i feel awful about this little girl in portugal i keep thinking whats happening to her is she dead its too awful think of the heart ache that could be avoided if they new were she was maybe braclets and jewelry which is chipped would be a good idea an abducter wouldnt think of taking these off not at first anyway i would at least improve chances for these children.
how about hipping peadophiles? then they can check if they have been near the sbducted children

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