child chipping -

hannahbet20 said:
how about chipping peadophiles? then they can check if they have been near the sbducted children

Fantastic idea! Chip anyone who shows even the slightest leaning towards peadaphilia, people arrested for flashing, who sign up to child porn websites, who are convicted of any kind of crime to do with kids.

Let them lose thier freedom instead of our kids!

And rosebay, yep I have the same fears especially with how the political climate is right now :wall:
jenna said:
They need more than bloody chipping!! :evil:

Personally I dont see whats wrong with castration, I mean its not as if they should ever be allowed to have thier own kids!

The justice system stinks, being too hard on the wrong people and too soft on the wrong people. It should be about deterants and punishment not human rights, some people dont deserve any kind of rights.
hannahbet20 said:
how about hipping peadophiles? then they can check if they have been near the sbducted children

trouble is, you're only a peadophile ONCE you've abused a child.
glitzyglamgirl said:
The justice system stinks, being too hard on the wrong people and too soft on the wrong people. It should be about deterants and punishment not human rights, some people dont deserve any kind of rights.

I totally agree GGG.

The day you abuse a child you sign away the right to be called human. Its alright saying there not right in the head and they need help because i agree they do. But they also need to be punished, im sure theres an excuse for every crime, doesnt mean you can get away with it. I thought it was you break the law your punished, its obviestly not the case. The punishment should fit the crime NOT the person!
Misslarue said:
hannahbet20 said:
how about hipping peadophiles? then they can check if they have been near the sbducted children

trouble is, you're only a peadophile ONCE you've abused a child.

yes true but once they do it more than half of peodophiles do it again even if convicted so it would help
i really have a big thing about child abuse no adult man or woman who abuse a child should be allowed anywhere near a child ever again and thats my opinion.
A large percentage of peadophiles tend to start off with things like porn, flashing etc, if these people are chipped then it would cut down on a hell of a lot of child sex crimes, and be a huuuge deterant!

Its not so much about waiting for people to become peado's at the expence of a childs wellbeing, its more a case of stopping the sickos getting to that point in the first place!
glitzyglamgirl said:
A large percentage of peadophiles tend to start off with things like porn, flashing etc, if these people are chipped then it would cut down on a hell of a lot of child sex crimes, and be a huuuge deterant!

Its not so much about waiting for people to become peado's at the expence of a childs wellbeing, its more a case of stopping the sickos getting to that point in the first place!

I agree, any hint of a sexual crime and yes these sick fookers (sorry for swearing but :twisted:) should be tagged, chipped, listed etc
Like you say, just so at least they are not put in a postion to abuse.

But unfortnately I really believe these people can't be helped. I don't mug old ladies because I don't want too not because there is a law saying I can't.
No matter what the deterant is, it won't stop someone having a sexual urge to molest little children. I don't think you can teach someone not to feel something, (other then castrating, with I'm all for :wink: ) all you can hope is that they don't act upon that urge. Which personaly I would never beable to do.

personally I think they should all be shipped off to a remote self suffiecnt island where they can bugger each other until their blue in the face. There's no place for them in society.
hannahbet20 said:
i really have a big thing about child abuse no adult man or woman who abuse a child should be allowed anywhere near a child ever again and thats my opinion.

:clap: totally agree
Right my opinion is (and i know that some may not agree) is that all peadophiles(sp) rapists, murderers, and one like this should be put to death, it dissgusts me that people like this commit crimes like this and within a few yeares are back on the streets, kill the lot of em, they make me sick :x
I agree with a lot of what you say there hun, and yes I wont do something like mug an old lady for the same reasons because like you and everyone else here, I have a moral conscience that is centred around my own sense of right and wrong and not what the law tells me.

Oh its a tricky one isnt it, I guess everyone has different opinons on this but atleast we all agree that SOMETHING has to be done! I just really believe that the chipping idea has too many negative possibilites.

Maybe we should formulate an alternative plan between us and start a campaign :D
I have to say that i agree with GGG it is a ridiculous idea, well and truly! But to ask e would i have Alfie tagged ... then yes within a blink of an eye i would not hesitate ridiculous as the notion is to chip my child my sons safety means more to me than anything in the world, and if it meant doing something so ridiculous id do it. Its stupid and heart breaking that we live in a world where we have to think about things such as chipping our children to keep them safe.

Child crime has gone up ... no matter how you look at it, i hear stories of my mum being able to play out in the garden for hours on end etc without supervision at a young age, playing on the front, todays society i wouldnt let alfie play alone without watching him. and it just cant be done anymore, its so sad. in that respect our children are still getting half the childhood they should.

I cannot think of anything more frightening than being without alfie and someone getting their hands on him ... omg im choked up just thinking about it, sod all this law stuff if anyone touched my little boy i would rip their heart out their chest. The world we live in is not fair at punishing people who should be locked away. THIS is the reason ridiculous steps need to be taken. Our children no matter how you look at it are soon going to lose the right to be children they are having to grow up to quickly

I think child chipping is a very real option parents could be offered one day, it would need a very special monitoring system though, which I doubt would be perfect, so that would be a great concern for the against argument, obviously as the child grows to adulthood, it could be removed :)
the original child chipping post. just seached for it just out of curiosity. :lol:
im still not sure what id do, coz yeah they may be able to find your child but there will be some one some where that will find a way to dissable the chip, im persuming its quite easy :think: but asd far as safety goes its one step towards making the world a better place, its like with everything, there are always good and bad points in every dcision we make :D

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