Chicken Pox

I had this drama a couple of weeks ago.
If you have had your blood checks and you have immunity don't even worry about it!
I asked this at my 35 week apt, and my midwife looked at me like I was a silly little girl...
But basically if you know for def your bloods have been checked for it your fine.
If in doubt phone up and they can arrange your booking in bloods to be tested.
You don't have to have had them to be immune.
If your worried speak to your midwife tho :) xxx
I had a similar situation where I work and my mother couldn't remember if I'd had chicken pox or not so I had to go get some bloods tested as the doc said Id have to get some treatment if I came back with no immunity but it came back that I did. Might be worth calling your gp tbh.

I had this drama a couple of weeks ago.
If you have had your blood checks and you have immunity don't even worry about it!
I asked this at my 35 week apt, and my midwife looked at me like I was a silly little girl...
But basically if you know for def your bloods have been checked for it your fine.
If in doubt phone up and they can arrange your booking in bloods to be tested.
You don't have to have had them to be immune.
If your worried speak to your midwife tho :) xxx

I am 100% sure they did test me at booking appointment (as I remember telling MW that I've never had CP but I never caught it when my siblings had it) and she said she'll get that tested with my other blood tests.

I am pretty sure at 16w appointment they told me I do have immunity?

However when I checked my booking blood results I couldn't see anything that said "chicken pox - imunity shown" I wonder if there is a more medical term that I overlooked LOL

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Chicken Pox is sometimes known as Varicella I believe?
Right I rang the maternity ward so I am not left hanging over the weekend and the guy I spoke to said if I have been advised I have immunity not to worry.

I said I couldn't remember for sure if I was immune and he said if I didn't show immunity they'd have given me a stern talking to about avoiding anyone who could possibly be infected so by default he is sure I am fine :lol: :lol:

He also said they don't always put that on the blood test result sheet so not to worry that I couldn't find it

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Hehe... Would be too simple for them to write things we would understand I think :)
Glad you phoned... Hope that puts your mind at rest a bit.
Keep and eye out for any symptoms tho, but don't stress about it.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
Everyone in my nieces class at school had them over a couple of month period, but she never got them :( but could still have passed on the virus. And I was sure i had had them, and my
Midwife wasn't concerned in the slightest whether I'd had them or
Glad it's all sorted and I've learnt about the blood test and immunity now too so thanks CarNat, Now you can have a worry free weekend (fx) . All the best xx
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