Chemical Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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I know what I have gone through is no where near as sad or traumatic as most of you here but for some reason tonight I just feel so sad. I experienced a chemical pregnancy back in May and I just laughed it off, but it happened again last week and although my doctor said I should see it as a positive sign that I can get pregnant tonight I just feel really angry!! Spent the evening with my in-laws (who obviously dont know what happened last week) and my Mother in law spent all night telling me how amazing her daughter is as she has just had her second child - I'm 41 with a 20 year old daughter and she actually said to us - it wont be long now until you are grandparents!!!

I know this is true and my daughter could have a baby but I want one of our own - my husband has been a really wonderful father to my two although he didnt come into their life until 12 years ago - I could kick myself for not trying for our child until now .......

Anyway sorry for the rant - when I read your stories I realise I really dont have a right to feel like this but i do feel so let down by my body ..... :(
Sorry to hear your having a tough time and feeling low, just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Of course you have a right to feel sad- what happened is sad.

That must've been painful too, what your mother-in-law said. :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you feel a bit better for some :hug:
Im sorry, I hope you get pregnant soon and no misshaps in the future.
I dont understand much about chemical pregnancy but I think even the thought of knowing it could have progressed into a life is still hurtful and would be for anyone.

Try not to compare yourself to others you are human too, we allk have feelings and if you feel you need to feel down about it then you need to go with that feeling at the time.

I hope thigns work out for you hon

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Don't give up hope............. I am 41 and our baby girl is 6 months old and she is our first....

we tried for years and years and eventually gave up even thinking about it about 4 years ago and then hey ho............ we couldn't believe that at last I was pregnant........... 41 isn't that old these days, I certainly wasn't anything like the oldest mum in our antinatal classes

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hello Hon,

You are absolutely allowed to be angry, you have had two losses now and no matter how strong and positive you are, this isn't something that is easy to deal with. I know you have concerns about leaving it too late but remember what the doctor said - you are in great shape and there is no reason why you can't have a healthy baby!

I'm thinking of you and will be following your progress but please believe it will happen.

Becs xx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
reallyoldmum said:
I know what I have gone through is no where near as sad or traumatic as most of you here but for some reason tonight I just feel so sad. I experienced a chemical pregnancy back in May and I just laughed it off, but it happened again last week and although my doctor said I should see it as a positive sign that I can get pregnant tonight I just feel really angry!! Spent the evening with my in-laws (who obviously dont know what happened last week) and my Mother in law spent all night telling me how amazing her daughter is as she has just had her second child - I'm 41 with a 20 year old daughter and she actually said to us - it wont be long now until you are grandparents!!!

I know this is true and my daughter could have a baby but I want one of our own - my husband has been a really wonderful father to my two although he didnt come into their life until 12 years ago - I could kick myself for not trying for our child until now .......

Anyway sorry for the rant - when I read your stories I realise I really dont have a right to feel like this but i do feel so let down by my body ..... :(

I have stepchildren aged 33 (yes older than me :wink: ) 26 and 25 - and Josh is almost 14 - it means nothing at all - I could be a step nan before i'm a mum again - good more LOs to play with and we can share babysitting :rotfl: Don't worry.

Chemical pregnancy is still a miscarriage in your head you know - a baby was there then it wasn't :( be sad when you want to be sad - you don't have to justify it :hug:

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