chemical pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2012
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I'm struggling. Having a chemical pregnancy and feel lost and alone. Anyone going through this or been through it?
Im sorry your having to go through this! Horrible experience. I had a natural mc but the feeling of loss and grief is whats the worst. Take care of yourself!! Xxx
I know how u feel it's not nice at all... I had three b before this pregnancy... No idea why and the Dr's don't really give u many answers for it either they kinda hus dismiss it and tell u not to test early... Easier said than done... Hope u get ur bfp soon x
I had an MC in January. Take one day at a time and look after yourself. You're not alone xx
So sorry for your loss, I had one on the 27th of March so I know how you feel :hugs:
Hi Claire. As you know I'm going through similar at the moment. Don't quite know what to do with myself really. I went through it before in Dec 2012 and it took a long time to feel somewhat 'normal' again. Be kind to yourself. It's still a baby you lost and you need time to grieve for them. Here if you want to chat. x
So sorry hun, look after yourself. This site was a great support to me when I had my mc so there's always someone to chat to. Big hugs xx
Claire - I went through the same just 2 weeks ago. I'm so sorry to hear you are experiencing this now :( I also felt totally alone, but trust me it does get better. I am very thankful that I felt better once I'd actually stopped bleeding, otherwise it was like a constant reminder. I hope you have got somebody to talk to and give you a cuddle. I also found buying something to symbolise the lost little one was therapeutic (a candle or a flower or something). We are all here for you xxx
I had one after 2 early miscarriages before I fell pregnant with my 3rd child. It was horrible as I started bleeding thought AF had come so assumed I wasn't pregnant, but then the bleeding stopped which was unusual, so I tested and got a bfp! went to bed so happy.....only to wake to heavier bleeding and cramps in the morning - re-tested and line much fainter - then bfn the next day. I went to my GP as it was then my 3rd loss, but they didn't class the chemical as a miscarriage, and said it was probably a faulty test (I had done 4 different test!). So wouldn't help me.

It's such a roller coaster -as you have only just gotten used to the idea of the bfp, when it's all taken away so quickly!

I'm sorry you are going through this.

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