Cheesed Off - Gonna ring MW about cankles


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Well my ankles have been up and down for a couple of weeks. My ankles swell when I'm stuck in an office chair at work but they've been fine when I'm at home bobbling about.

Anyway they haven't really gone down this weekend. I'm really cheesed off with it. Going to ring the MW, no doubt I'll have to go in to be checked. Just really don't want to go.
i'm sure its nothing to worry about but you are best getting it checked is it just your ankles? what about hands? or have you had any headaches? x
I'm the exact same! At work I look like I have ballons as feet. Then over weekend they go down only to swell again at work. Can't wear normal boots at weekends so living in my uggs at mo. it's a pain.
I asked consultant and she said keep them elevated at desk ...... Lol
My hands get a wee bit swelly at night mainly coz I tend to cut off circulation to my arms by sleeping in them funny. But generally they are normal.

Just spoke to a midwife who went through it all with me and she thinks its normal swelling iykwim. Yes they are swollen but they're not hot, red and itchy. I don't have swelling to my face and chest. And I don't have a headache.

Luckily I have a MW appointment at my GP's on Wed morning. I'll whip my cankles out for her then and see what she thinks.
I'm the exact same! At work I look like I have ballons as feet. Then over weekend they go down only to swell again at work. Can't wear normal boots at weekends so living in my uggs at mo. it's a pain.
I asked consultant and she said keep them elevated at desk ...... Lol

I got a pair of compression socks for at work which worked out for me. They still get swollen but not massive when I'm stuck in the office chair. They make me look like Nora Batty. Deffo have to be worn with long trousers.

Its just the fact they didn't gho down so much this weekend which worried me.
Hey girls I had this for 2 days last week. I didn't drink enough water and wasn't putting my feet up in the evening. Deffo check out with mW but get drinking pints and pints of water :-) xxx
FYI I double checked with the MW re compression socks and she said they were ok.
Im getting this... both my feet swell but for some reason my right foot and ankle swells two or three times more than the left! MW said its the way baby is lying and pressing on nerves etc
me too :( i've got to 36 weeks before it came and its horrible :cry: i'm walking through the office in my socks all day today :( x
Yep rightie tends to get bigger than leftie. I read somewhere that it's because of that artery which means you should favour lying on your left side at night.

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