Off to hospital - scared!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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For the past few days I've had swollen ankles and fingers.
Last night, my husband was prodding my ankles and the skin was staying dipped, not bouncing back up which I know is a symptom of pre-eclampsia.
I went to bed and had my legs elevated my my ankles are still slightly up this morning.
I just called the labour ward and they've said to head down there so they can monitor the baby and get a doctor to see me.
I'm really worried and tearful. I'm so scared that anything will put the baby at risk and I'm also scared that I'll have to stay in and be parted from my man!
Wish me luck girls. I'll post back as soon as I can.
Hey hun, hope everything is ok.
Be sure to let us know how you get on :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Lucy! I really hope they tell you all is ok and you can come home asap.

Im thinking of you, keep us updated :hug:
Sending you lots of hugs Lucy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

will be thinking of you, your baby and family today.

let us know how things are going
Sorry to hear that you are off to hospital Lucy, better to get everything checked out. Hope you are back home re-assured very soon.
I am back!
Well, no protein in wee (good news) and blood pressure fine (good news) and baby sounded fine (great news) so am feeling VERY relieved!
The baby is measuring BIG though - 33 weeks :shock: so I have to go back for a scan on Tuesday.
Immediate panic over though and they were all lovely at the hospital.
Anyone else measured big like this? I'll start another post just incase.
Thanks all for your lovely messages of support.
:hug: L xx
hey there.
Glad you are home and ok..i was measuring small but the size of the baby was fine.
Put your feet up and have a good rest now :hug: :hug:
Thats a relief babes!!

Good luck for your scan next week :hug:

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