checking cm


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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hi peeps.

just a quickie..does anyone whether there is a "best time of day" to check cm?

and if you've BD'd recently then do people generally not record cm due to presense of sperm changing its consistency.....for instance leakage the next day (sorry if tmi :oops: )?

also how stretchy is stretchy....been reading descriptions on fertility friend and not sure if i'm distinguishing different types correctly....more tmi coming up now avert eyes if necessary......

......for instance today is kinda white and jellyish and stretches about 5cm between thumb and finger :oops: this ewcm or just slightly stretchy creamy cm? Ov not expected till weekend so seems a bit early for ewcm. :think:
I think ideally you check a few times during the day as it can change- record the most fertile type.

After BD it semen will probably be around for a good few hours later and can look like ewcm- someone once posted that if you put semen in a glass of water it will break up but ewcm stays in a ball- :shock: so you could try this!

As for the stretchy- can't help there- always wondered the same myself!!
chellieboo, that sound like ewcm to me - it sound pretty stretchy too :wink:

How long have you been ttc and charting? This is my first month and I was surprised to find I have had two bouts of ewcm this month - the first was very clear and the second (current) is very similar to what you have described and I tested positive on an opk yesterday for the first time.

I think we might be having a TMI competition here - sorry readers :oops:
Hiya Ladies

Its so easy to confuse semen with cervical fluid. They look and feel very similar. Semen will dry up very quickly upon your fingertips and is more rubbery is consistency. It may also tend to be foamy. Semen is little more white in colour rather than clear like eggwhite fluid. To help you identify the difference, when having a wee, eggwhite cervical fluid will often hit the water and form into a ball while it sinks to the bottom .

Another trick to identify your fertile time is to look at your underwear. When you are extremely fertile the cervical fluid is abundant and has a high content of water and will leave a fluid stain in the form a circle. Less abundant non fertile fluid is dryer and tends to form lines that are in more of a rectangular shape.

Hope this helps

This is 4th month of TTC but only 2nd of charting and monitoring fertility signs. cm seems more watery today, but not loads of it and OPK negative so will keep checking.

nice too have someone to share the tmi with!!

id watch for your rise now !

dont think any of us mind tmi , were all going throuh the same and its nice to ahve people to ask !

chellie where bouts in suffolk are u ? im originally from ipswich ! infact was there all weekend !
doh ! small world ! only left for london 2.5 years ago ! so all my mates still there ! and parent etc !
Oooh...Spooky. its a small world indeed! we've lived here 4 years now. Maybe we'll bump into each other sometime!

fingers crossed its a BFP for you this month...just been looking at your chart!
maybe ! u might laugh but im actually trying to move back ! i hate london lol chart looks good doesnt it , shame i think i got crampy af pains :wall:
hopefully AF wil stay away for you and crampy pains are something else. :pray:
Good luck! I have cramps today too now and STILL feel really :puke:

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