Cheap toys

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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Lets share some tips on how to make cheap toys for babies! For example:

- apparently babies love playing with space blankets. I just bought one on eBay for 99p

- G likes playing with an orange sainsburys bag. I tied a knot in the middle of it so he could not possibly put it over his head, and always supervise him while he plays with it so he doesn't try to put it in his mouth. He just loves touching it and making it crinkle.

- he also loves staring at a see through glass with water in it, especially if I shake it slightly

- I know that bottles with water or with some beads make great toys for older babies

- bottles with a small hole in the lid are great toys for baths

Any other ideas, anyone?
Oh and G loves watching/listening to me tearing paper from old magazines...
Bottles with rice and pasta are popular and tissue boxes with elasti bands stretched round are good!
My lo loves boxes.

Also leaflets and magazines he pretends to read them then rips them up.

Socks - he loves them, the brighter the better

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Rice and pasta - yeah that's a safer option!

What do they do with the boxes?... I guess my baby is too young for that - I think he would just try to eat them
He is 11 months and just likes opening and closing them and putting things in them, he does try to eat them so I always watch him.

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toilet roll tubes and kitchen roll tubes cause hours of fun too!he lives chucking them
Around! Tin boxes
And saucepans and wooden spoons seem to be a hit if you can stand the noise!!!
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ok for very young babies, flash cards with pattterned/wavey lines drawn on with a marker pen seemed to amuse for hours! think they focus on the contrast.

for older babies, the contents of my handbag (pre-screened)
Sorry i'm sneaking onto here a week or two early !
When I used to work at a private nursery the babies had treasure baskets which were themed so we had a metal one (which contained metal spoons bowls etc) wooden one (with wooden spoons egg cups and other wooden things) a plastic one (with plastic spoons tubs and lids etc) a soft one (with sponges bright microfibre cloths scourers etc) the possibilities are endless and obviously stuff has to be safe, washable and age appropriate and supervised. It's a really nice idea and the babies and younger children loved it......I know I will defo be collecting stuff to do this with my LO when he's old enough. The idea can also be used for older children but we used to get them involved in collecting the things eg natural materials (leaves twigs etc)
......oh another nice idea if you are brave enough....... Making a jelly or using dry stuff like rice/cornflakes etc or mixing cornflour and water together and putting it in a tray (but not all at the same and letting them play with it they are great activities for older babies/ toddler/per-school age children it's a little messy but they love it and so do the parents....have fun !!!!
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Harry loves playing with an empty baby wipe packet. I think it's the noise it makes so along the same lines as the space blanket. He was also fascinated by my empty dr pepper bottle and played with it for ages! Xxx
I was unpacking the shopping the other day and my lo spent 20mins taking out and putting potatoes in and out of the plastic bag they come in! She was fascinated! And if you ff and have ready made bottles (we had some emergency SMA in the cupboard) the bottles make great shakers filled with rice and glitter then just tape the lids shut. x
Harry loves playing with an empty baby wipe packet. I think it's the noise it makes so along the same lines as the space blanket. He was also fascinated by my empty dr pepper bottle and played with it for ages! Xxx

W would be happy to play with a baby wipe packet too... Lye him on the floor and he goes straight for it. Never min all the toys lying next to him :) xxx
I was unpacking the shopping the other day and my lo spent 20mins taking out and putting potatoes in and out of the plastic bag they come in! She was fascinated! And if you ff and have ready made bottles (we had some emergency SMA in the cupboard) the bottles make great shakers filled with rice and glitter then just tape the lids shut. x

My LO also loves 'helping' unpack the groceries after shopping... Keeps her entertained for ages. Obviously I supervise plastic bags, etc, but she has a great time emptying and refilling!
I know our nursery puts diffeent cereals in a tub and let then bubbas play x
Harry loves playing with an empty baby wipe packet. I think it's the noise it makes so along the same lines as the space blanket. He was also fascinated by my empty dr pepper bottle and played with it for ages! Xxx

W would be happy to play with a baby wipe packet too... Lye him on the floor and he goes straight for it. Never min all the toys lying next to him :) xxx

T's the same!! Xx

Empty tin boxes - the ones that biscuits, sweets etc. come in. Tilly has a small one that OH's wristwatch came in and she loves banging things on it or slapping it with her hands.

One of her favourite treasure box items is a metal spoon, and she also likes an old metal watch, an empty cotton reel - all played with under supervision, of course. I have a heavy gold necklace that she is finding interesting at the moment because it's not simple to handle - not cheap, but most of us have something like that to show to a baby! xx
Empty tin boxes - the ones that biscuits, sweets etc. come in. Tilly has a small one that OH's wristwatch came in and she loves banging things on it or slapping it with her hands.

One of her favourite treasure box items is a metal spoon, and she also likes an old metal watch, an empty cotton reel - all played with under supervision, of course. I have a heavy gold necklace that she is finding interesting at the moment because it's not simple to handle - not cheap, but most of us have something like that to show to a baby! xx

Bless her little Magpie eh? Xxx

T loves the wet wipe packet, destroys most of it in the process of playing with it. He also likes metal things. There is a spring on one of his toys that makes it bounce, the toy is fab, brightly coloured loads of textures etc but he only likes this one small component, he's obsessed with detail. He also loves zips and labels. Best toys.


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