Look what I just bought!


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I've been after a water table thingy for a while, cos Brody just LOVES playing on the one at my moms, and I went to toys r us and got this one half price for 25 quid!
I put it together in 2 minutes and Brody absolutley loves it!

thats brilliant, Brody will LOVE it bet youll be able to have a cup of tea in peace now :rotfl:
looks great. is it in the garden?

we are looking for wht to get Harley for his bday. he is a bit young for it though. but Dior would LOVE that
ooooh how cool is that!! :D
can u put sand in it as well?
It's for in that garden, and it's specifically for water, we already have a sandpit so I didn't need one of those 2 in 1 things.
dionne said:
looks great. is it in the garden?

we are looking for wht to get Harley for his bday. he is a bit young for it though. but Dior would LOVE that

It's age 1 and over :D
i showed kris it and he reminded me its the one we seen yesterday kris wanted us to get it but i said no way to £50 :lol:

so if its half price i cant moan :D

wonder if it will be half price in the store??

god i am going to have alot of cupa teas to get through. Dior makes me cups of tea all day from the tap in the garden :lol:
aww how sweet dionne, about dior.

That looks great bet brody loves it bargin at that price
dionne said:
i showed kris it and he reminded me its the one we seen yesterday kris wanted us to get it but i said no way to £50 :lol:

so if its half price i cant moan :D

wonder if it will be half price in the store??

god i am going to have alot of cupa teas to get through. Dior makes me cups of tea all day from the tap in the garden :lol:

Yeah it's half price in the store, thats where I got mine from.

I do like the 2 in 1 ones but we've had the sandpit for ages and to be honest I like that they can climb in with the sand and get their feet sandy etc.
We got matthew one of those last weekend he was soaked thru in 5mins but he loves it and what a bargain my mum got one for round theirs on the days they have him
Yay i got it :cheer:

looks cool i want to set it up now!!! but got to wait till thursdy :x

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