Chat thread!

babydust said:
:o my god you girls can talk :lol: too much to catch up on, but as for the bonking :dance: we did it on sunday as it had been 2 weeks and dh was terrified because of last weekend, it wasnt uncomfortable at all but also did bugger all to move bubs

mine goes alot longer between bonks than 2 weeks lmao your hubby is very lucky. :rotfl: :rotfl:
emmie said:
babydust said:
:o my god you girls can talk :lol: too much to catch up on, but as for the bonking :dance: we did it on sunday as it had been 2 weeks and dh was terrified because of last weekend, it wasnt uncomfortable at all but also did bugger all to move bubs

mine goes alot longer between bonks than 2 weeks lmao your hubby is very lucky. :rotfl: :rotfl:

lol :lol: unfortunately mine has gone waaaaay longer. :oops: ... it'll be like learning how to do it again :rotfl: :rotfl:
lisaspoon said:
emmie said:
babydust said:
:o my god you girls can talk :lol: too much to catch up on, but as for the bonking :dance: we did it on sunday as it had been 2 weeks and dh was terrified because of last weekend, it wasnt uncomfortable at all but also did bugger all to move bubs

mine goes alot longer between bonks than 2 weeks lmao your hubby is very lucky. :rotfl: :rotfl:

lol :lol: unfortunately mine has gone waaaaay longer. :oops: ... it'll be like learning how to do it again :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
you girls know how to chat , hope our all okay and me and oh hvent bonked in ages, does anyone else feel so achey as i do today , i cant wait till thursday till i have a growth scan, ot ohs works ue on friday and i really havent a clue what o wear hope were all okay anywayxxxx
hennaly said:
lea m said:
hennaly said:
[quote="lea m":30jh6t4m]Hennaly that dream made me laugh :lol: :lol:
Hi everyone! :wave: Hope your all well! Im knackered! lol
i was gutted and now convinced im having an ugly hairy baby :?
Hahaha :lol: No chance! Look at that cutie pie in that pic ^^^^ and i cant see no hair!! ;)

Oooh I wanted to say too that this morning my HV came round and she was lovely! Which shocked me lol but anyways she weighed babs and she is now 8lbs 4oz!! :shock: She was 7lbs 12 last week so in one week shes put on 8oz!! In two weeks since birth shes put on 10.5oz!! Little chunky lol!
thats a really good weight she is doing really well :D
i keep looking at that pic of levi and wondering if he really does look like that :think:[/quote:30jh6t4m]
Yeh I think so! I even look at my 2d scan pics and its great looking at her profile and seeing her if you know what I mean hahaha :lol: I make loads of sense lol!

Lol you girls with your bonking hahaha What the blinking eck is bonking anyways :think: Seriously Im thinking that last time my and OH got it on was when I conceived Lola hahhaa :rotfl:
the only bonking we do at the moment is when i turn over in the night and bonk my knees on his :roll:
Well if my OH doesnt get booking in for the snip soon, that will be the only binking we will be doing for a long time too!! :lol: :lol:
Hi all :wave:
im not good at keeping up on here which is why i normally poke my head in and read what u all wrote and just reply with a :wave: lol!!
Bonking? what the f is that lol?? i think the only thing keeping OH going is that i keep telling him when bubs is born we can get back to tearing eachothers clothes of right away- yeah right!! :lol:

If i go over theres no way im even gonna try it then lol, i think id rather do the swallowing method that one of the girls mentioned on here some time ago lol. :puke: but better then sex!

:wave: chok, babydust, emmie, lisa and any1 iv missed

Hen im bubs wont be covered in hair lol! but u might give birth ion the 4x4 who kinows lol!

thats a great weiht gain lea :dance: the little chunker

breastfeeding class went well i learnt alot actually and the other mums seemed lovely! glad i went i think OH started to get bored towards the end but oh well lol. Got antenatal ones next week so am looking forward to them. also have a growth scan tommoro so hope that goes well :pray:

Im really painful and heavy down below and round my bum and in tht area nobody seems to be able to word lol, where bubs is engaging. its so painful and i havnt managed to pull myself oyutta bed yet even for a wee lol! also back is quite sore as iv been up tossing and turning all night!!! gonna get housework done in a bit as its a mess lol! forgot what the hoover looks like... hope ur all well xxx
Morning girlies hope were all well.

No babies popped yesterday then :( i can see were going to have a baby boom next week me thinks :dance: hopefully im in that but i wont hold my breath :rotfl:

Got another day of sitting on my bum planned today, going to watch some xmas films but i am doing a couple of loads of washing so im not compleatly useless lmao
Morning peeps.
Ive ben baking biscuits today, yummy.

Emmie im planning on watching Finding Nemo to pass the time.

CBG im with you on the tossing and turnning bit cant get comfy at all now. Cant be long to go now ...............surely
hi everyone! :wave:

i think i'm going through the "irritable - pregnant - fedup - everyones incompetent" stage.... lol! :lol:

first HR didnt send me my SMP1 so I can claim MA...have had to ask them to do it AND today I get an email asking for a scanned copy of my MATB1 (already sent them a copy)....said they already had it...oh yeh,.... :wall: :wall: :wall:

second....had a swab done on friday (for thrush etc just to check for anything) and results STILLL not in. well they are in just not been looked at by the doctor... was originally told by doctor to ring on monday afternoon....and each time i've been told to ring back next day....cant be f*** anymore... seeing the midwife next friday anyway :wall: :wall: :wall:

rant over.... lol... :rotfl:

emmie - think you need to get more curry and pinnapple down you! then a bouncing sesh on the ball, then bonking DH when he gets home..... lol!! enjoy your xmas films....what you watching?!

chick - biscuits sound yummy!!!!! enjoy finding that film!! :D

christmasbaby - glad you enjoyed your classes.. i dont think i get a specific breastfeeding one in my lot of them :( hope your scan goes well tomo and hope you're not feeling too sore.. :hug: :hug:

hen -thats the only bonking we're doing as well!!! :rotfl:

lea - well dont lola on the weight gain! :D :D the wee chunk! :hug: :hug:

jadesmummy - good luck for the growth scan tomorrow! hope you find something for the works do!!

:wave: ninja (anyone seen her today?)

:wave: to anyone i've missed! :hug:

LO seems to be doing a hell of a lot of wriggling these days and its actually quite uncomfortable at times..... cant work out if its a bum or head I'm feeling up by my ribs... :lol: I have my 32 weeks appointment next friday (12th) so I presume they start looking at position from this point on? soon be my turn to get on all!
going to order my tens machine and bouncy ball today yey!! :D

hope everyone else is having a good day! :D :hug:
:wave: hey LisaS! Im here,just had a rough morning :( , poorly tummy :roll:

:wave: Chick, can I steal a biccie?

:wave: emmie, I hope Im in that baby boom too!

:wave: christmas, sorry you are so uncomfy hunni :hug:

:wave: Lea, hi hun! Hope you and Lola are well.

:wave: Henn, yep thats about the bonking my OH is getting too

:wave: jaydesmummy, enjoy the works do!
I just can't believe we haven't had a Dec baby yet!!!

ninja - hope your tummy's a bit better

lisaspoon - know what you mean, I wanted to smack someone in the post office yesterday - only one person on, this close to xmas??!! and an old lady complaining for ages cos they had no christmas stamps...gggrrrrrrr!!!!!!

chickadee - oooh. thats a good idea, maybe I'll do that later. Or I've been meaning to make fudge for ages

hen - :rotfl: get your clippers ready in case!! heeheee, just kidding, you won't have a monkey baby!!! lea's right, that scan pic looks pretty hairfree!

lea - chunky lola! :D bless her. you need to post us some more pics

:wave: :wave: everyone else

bonking - jeebers. I have no idea anymore! I've thought about it alot, but every time I try and picture the logistics, I'm like :? :think: :shock: :oops: :talkhand: :rotfl: :rotfl: not a chance!!
ooh I just noticed - i'm 38 weeks today! woo hoo. this girly needs to take after her mummy cos I was 2 weeks early! sshhhyeah right. she seems pretty well comfy to me!
millie15 said:
bonking - jeebers. I have no idea anymore! I've thought about it alot, but every time I try and picture the logistics, I'm like :? :think: :shock: :oops: :talkhand: :rotfl: :rotfl: not a chance!!

lol :lol: i couldnt have put it better myself millie! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well didnt get round to the crimbo films today i watched Narnia prince caspian i must of cried about 5 times :wall: then decided to cheer myself up and hopefully laugh baby out watching lee evans lol he cracks me up.

As for the curry and pineapple i think i'll give it a miss as i cant see it working and i hate curry only forced myself to eat the last one as i thought it would work lmao. And as for SEX!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: not going to happen, much to hubby disgust :( but saying that i still feel so guilty so you never know......

Ninja of course you will be in that baby boom you wont be long now and charlotte_ yours deffo wont be long now. :hug:

The stakes are on for the first Dec baby and i'm hoping it will be one of you first, if not me but i doubt that lmao think my little monkeys going to have to be evicted by the midwife lmao
[quote="millie15]bonking - jeebers. I have no idea anymore! I've thought about it alot, but every time I try and picture the logistics, I'm like :? :think: :shock: :oops: :talkhand: :rotfl: :rotfl: not a chance!![/quote]


Ive been making more soup today (think I am addicted to making it - but its not that much of a problem as 1, its cheap and 2, I have been freezing some for after the birth so its not being wasted) and also made some flapjack.....was meant to be for friends who are coming round tomorrow but Ive eaten loads of it and Hubby will probably polish off the rest when he gets in so no doubt I'll be making something else tomorrow!
emmie said:
decided to cheer myself up and hopefully laugh baby out watching lee evans lol he cracks me up.

luuuuuuuuuuuuuuureve lee evans too!! We saw his recent tour in glasgow! I have only ever seen the DVDs so was surprised at how even more ruuuuude he was!! :shock: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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