hi everyone!
i think i'm going through the "irritable - pregnant - fedup - everyones incompetent" stage.... lol!
first HR didnt send me my SMP1 so I can claim MA...have had to ask them to do it AND today I get an email asking for a scanned copy of my MATB1 (already sent them a copy)....said they already had it...oh yeh,....
second....had a swab done on friday (for thrush etc just to check for anything) and results STILLL not in. well they are in just not been looked at by the doctor... was originally told by doctor to ring on monday afternoon....and each time i've been told to ring back next day....cant be f*** anymore... seeing the midwife next friday anyway
rant over.... lol...
emmie - think you need to get more curry and pinnapple down you! then a bouncing sesh on the ball, then bonking DH when he gets home..... lol!! enjoy your xmas films....what you watching?!
chick - biscuits sound yummy!!!!! enjoy finding nemo...love that film!!
christmasbaby - glad you enjoyed your classes.. i dont think i get a specific breastfeeding one in my lot of them

hope your scan goes well tomo and hope you're not feeling too sore..
hen -thats the only bonking we're doing as well!!!
lea - well dont lola on the weight gain!

the wee chunk!
jadesmummy - good luck for the growth scan tomorrow! hope you find something for the works do!!

ninja (anyone seen her today?)

to anyone i've missed!
LO seems to be doing a hell of a lot of wriggling these days and its actually quite uncomfortable at times..... cant work out if its a bum or head I'm feeling up by my ribs...

I have my 32 weeks appointment next friday (12th) so I presume they start looking at position from this point on? soon be my turn to get on all 4s...lol!
going to order my tens machine and bouncy ball today yey!!
hope everyone else is having a good day!