Chasing Appts


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hmmm I have a conundrum.

I was last at consultants at hosp in Dec 2010 and he said we had to try for a year before he would refer us to infertility clinic (we had been trying since june 09 but my cycles were 10wks long but came down to bout 35 days on their own after about 15months). So as my cycles were only just returning to normal and all his tests showed everything was normal, basically as far as he was concerned this was only us just starting trying effectively.

Now, do I wait till Dec and then phone for appt, or would it be cheeky to phone now? After all, it will take a couple of months to get an appt. And can he just refer us straight to them, or do I have to go back and see him in person just to say "nothing has changed, still not pg, please refer us to infertility clinic"?

I hate chasing these people, but starting to feel like really have been waiting long enuff :wall2::clock:

Any advice would be really appreciated
I'd call no harm in asking.
Hope he listens to you & refers you to the specialists! Good luck
Id call too. Long enough wait! Good Luck!
I've give them a call - the doctors don't see who their patients are until you turn up.

You'll only be dealing with the receptionist :)
Well I gave in and phoned nearly 4 weeks ago and was told that consultant had just stopped for 3 weeks holiday and nothing could be done till he returned..... typical! Anyway was away in London this weekend and came home monday nite to find letter from infertility clinic saying a referral had been requested and they would send me an appointment shortly.

Glad I phoned, I guess it puts me a month or two ahead of waiting till Dec. And it's the first bit of progress in nearly a year :eek:)
Well at least it's finally happened :)

It's bs that he made you wait an extra year - it doesnt say anything about effective cycles in the guidelines and with OPKs every cycle can be effective as long as you ovulate and know when.

Good luck for the appointment :)
Woo hoo! got letter from assisted conception clinic at viccy hospital, appt for 22nd December, thought it would be next year so that's a bonus :eek:)

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