Chart stalkers can you help me please


Active Member
Nov 20, 2007
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Evening ladies

I'm hoping somebody can help who knows a little more than I do (which isn't very much!) I started temping last month but this month I have religiously taken it at the same time each morning.

I had a problem with OPK's this month which is causing me to be unsure of my ovulation date - I used clearblue digital for the first time, checked at 2 pm after not weeing for 4 hours; day 10 negative but day 11 positive - I really wasn't expecting it to be positive this early in my cycle so checked again when I got in but could only hold my wee for 2 hours and it was negative. Checked the next day and negative, this was a Friday. I then bought the normal clearblue with stripes and checked on the Saturday CD13 and it was the same colour as the control line but can't say for sure it was darker.

If I don't put the + in FF for cycle day 13 it gives me ov date on CD11 and this shows triphasic pattern and would be 12DPO although -ve on ic HPT. If I leave CD13 as positive OPK it puts OV on this date and would be 10DPO and still -ve. I then tried taking both OPK results out and it gives ov date as CD16!!!! I can't stop thinking about this now.

My cycles are normally 28 days but were 26 last month.

I also had ferning on CD 13 and 14 but out of interest I tried yesterday and there was more ferning so maybe I always fern.

After doing the ic HPT just now I was desperate to POAS again so used clearblue ovulation stick (don't ask me why) and the line is the same if not slightly darker.

I am sorry this is so long but what on earth is going on and I would appreciate your thoughts please very much. I don't have any symptoms unless I make myself think of them!!

Good luck and babydust for us all!
It is possible to have LH surges at any time during your cycle, they do not mean that an egg has definitely been released. Can you remember what your cervical fluid was like at these possible ovulation days?

Looking at your chart, Id be inclined to say that day 14 was your ovulation date, mainly because of your positive OPK and the ferning and also because on day 13 your temp dipped which could be a sign of impending ovulation.

If this is the case then your chart is looking fabulous! Fingers crossed, it does look triphasic. :pray: Good luck hun, hope those temps stay up!

Your luteal phase is 12 days? If you look back at your last chart, you will see that the same thing happened last month, your temp dipped before it started rising on day 14, this time it just keeps on rising! Good luck hun!
Hi Loola

Thank you for your reply, I tend to agree with day 13 or 14 so I have left the positive OPK for day 13 in.

I haven't had any EWCM for the past 2 months, not sure if I ever get any and I have been drinking lots of water, going to try the cough mixture next month but we used pre-seed this month.

Is 12 days luteal phase post ovulation? Is this a problem? Like I said last month was a 26 day cycle but has never been this short before.

My temp will probably go down tomorrow now!! Wouldn't I get at least a feint line on a test by now, there was absolutely nothing?

I really appreciate your help thankyou, if I get brave enough I may join you all in chart stalkers
Yes the luteal phase is after ovulation and 12 days is completely normal. Mine is 12 days too. Your luteal phase usually stays the same length each month, so in your case you would get your period 12 days after ovulation or hopefully a BFP. You could have a 35 day cycle but your luteal phase length always stays the same (or nearabouts).

Ovulation can be delayed due to many reasons, e.g stress, so it could be day 25 before you ovulate, but your luteal length would stay at 12 days meaning you would have a 37 day long cycle.

It depends on which tests you use as to whether you would get a faint line, some tests are more sensitive than others, but most are only sensitive to test on the day you miss your period. Also, not everyone gets a positive BFP on the day they are late, some dont get a positive BFP until a few months into their pregnancy.

The hcg levels in your urine double every day in early pregnancy, but there may be too little to test positive yet.

You really should join us in chart stalkers!! Ive only been doing it for one cycle, and the ladies in there are lovely and have helped me so much with my questions and my uneccessary panicky moments! :D
Hi Jilly,

I had a look at your chart first (so that I could see the temps without being influenced by what you said).

What looks interesting to me is that last cycle you got a +OPK at ov-2 days, and a dip around 2-4dpo. +OPKs usually indicate ov within 12-36 hours. If you were at the slow end of the range, and you tested at 2pm on CD11, you could reasonably expect ovulation to take place by 2am on CD13. The temp rise following ovulation may not be fast enough to be picked up when you temp on CD13, but would certainly be evident by CD14. The day of ovulation is usually the last day before the rise - this may be the day of a dip, or you may get a pre-ovulation dip a couple of days before.

LH surges can last 2-3 days, so it is possible to see a positive result throughout that time. The digi OPK will work to a certain sensitivity; the normal relies on visual interpretation. It is probable that you caught the peak of the surge on the digi, but there was still enough hormone in your urine 2 days later to give you a strong line on a normal OPK.

If I was going by temps alone, and couldn't see your previous chart, I'd be looking at either CD13 or CD16/17 as possible ov dates. With the previous chart, I'd be inclined to go for CD13 as ovulation date. I think that date is confirmed by the OPKs and ferning results - so I agree with the FF crosshairs as they are now, though if I was doing it, the coverline would be slightly lower (you can't change that, and it doesn't mean anything anyway).

That gives you a pretty good-looking chart, with a nice dip at 7dpo and higher temps afterwards... fingers crossed for you!
Thank you Kitty you noticed things I had never even seen and I've been staring at them for ages then keep going back to them! I feel more confident now to leave the lines where they are.

To be honest I don't think this is our month as I wasn't expecting to ovulate until day 14 so only managed to bd on day 11 and not till the afternoon on day 13. I'm trying to be sensible though as this is only our 2nd proper month trying and at least I am learning about my charts and my body.

I have to say this site is amazing and I have learnt so much. Sorry I don't post too often but I don't really feel as though I know anything and don't want to barge in but you all are lovely.

I hope 2008 is the baby making year
every other day is fine - you got 2 days before and day of ovulation, which is a good chance.

As soon as you see the lines getting stronger on an OPK, or EWCM, or partial ferning, you should be BDing every other day. When you get a +, no matter if you're not expecting it, aim for every day if you can, assuming no male factor problems. I wasn't expecting to ovulate till CD20 this month and then on day 9 I got a +OPK, and ov'ed on day 10. The only reason I did an OPK so early was because I saw EWCM earlier in the day!

You should try to keep BDing till you have seen a definite temp rise, confirmed by three temps in the higher range.

Of course, I hope you won't need this advice! Any more questions, feel free to join the chart stalkers thread, we've had lots of women join us this month so you wouldn't be the only new one.

(and if you do, paste your FF link into your pregnancyforum signature - you can do this by clicking on the Profile tab at the top of the page when you're logged in. It makes it easier for people to look up your chart!)

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