Evening ladies
I'm hoping somebody can help who knows a little more than I do (which isn't very much!) I started temping last month but this month I have religiously taken it at the same time each morning.
I had a problem with OPK's this month which is causing me to be unsure of my ovulation date - I used clearblue digital for the first time, checked at 2 pm after not weeing for 4 hours; day 10 negative but day 11 positive - I really wasn't expecting it to be positive this early in my cycle so checked again when I got in but could only hold my wee for 2 hours and it was negative. Checked the next day and negative, this was a Friday. I then bought the normal clearblue with stripes and checked on the Saturday CD13 and it was the same colour as the control line but can't say for sure it was darker.
If I don't put the + in FF for cycle day 13 it gives me ov date on CD11 and this shows triphasic pattern and would be 12DPO although -ve on ic HPT. If I leave CD13 as positive OPK it puts OV on this date and would be 10DPO and still -ve. I then tried taking both OPK results out and it gives ov date as CD16!!!! I can't stop thinking about this now.
My cycles are normally 28 days but were 26 last month.
I also had ferning on CD 13 and 14 but out of interest I tried yesterday and there was more ferning so maybe I always fern.
After doing the ic HPT just now I was desperate to POAS again so used clearblue ovulation stick (don't ask me why) and the line is the same if not slightly darker.
I am sorry this is so long but what on earth is going on and I would appreciate your thoughts please very much. I don't have any symptoms unless I make myself think of them!!
Good luck and babydust for us all!
I'm hoping somebody can help who knows a little more than I do (which isn't very much!) I started temping last month but this month I have religiously taken it at the same time each morning.
I had a problem with OPK's this month which is causing me to be unsure of my ovulation date - I used clearblue digital for the first time, checked at 2 pm after not weeing for 4 hours; day 10 negative but day 11 positive - I really wasn't expecting it to be positive this early in my cycle so checked again when I got in but could only hold my wee for 2 hours and it was negative. Checked the next day and negative, this was a Friday. I then bought the normal clearblue with stripes and checked on the Saturday CD13 and it was the same colour as the control line but can't say for sure it was darker.
If I don't put the + in FF for cycle day 13 it gives me ov date on CD11 and this shows triphasic pattern and would be 12DPO although -ve on ic HPT. If I leave CD13 as positive OPK it puts OV on this date and would be 10DPO and still -ve. I then tried taking both OPK results out and it gives ov date as CD16!!!! I can't stop thinking about this now.
My cycles are normally 28 days but were 26 last month.
I also had ferning on CD 13 and 14 but out of interest I tried yesterday and there was more ferning so maybe I always fern.
After doing the ic HPT just now I was desperate to POAS again so used clearblue ovulation stick (don't ask me why) and the line is the same if not slightly darker.
I am sorry this is so long but what on earth is going on and I would appreciate your thoughts please very much. I don't have any symptoms unless I make myself think of them!!
Good luck and babydust for us all!