changing my name by deed poll...thoughts please!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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My other half and I have nearly been together for 3 years and Im 21 weeks preg. As we have a baby on the way, we certainly cant afford to get married and I wouldnt want 'bump' on my pics!! SO I think Im going to change my name to his surname by deed poll so I can be the same as the baby. I hate my surname and wouldnt want the baby to have it anyway. Some of my friends think this is strange??? what are your thoughts? We'll get married eventually and I'll just change to a 'Mrs'. ?????
it only cost me £110 to get married hun, just did it at a registry office. I wasn't going to have an evening do or honeymoon but my parents ended up helping out xx
You can register LO with his name even though ur not married.

If im honest - it sounds like an un-necessary expensive ( im sure you have to pay for deed pole). Would you be looking at getting married in the NEAR future - if so id be temped to just wait.

but only you can really decide.
It's about £50 to change your name by need poll, if a reg office does a wedding for £110 are you sure you don't want to just go for a quickie wedding then do it properly when you can? It will then work out cheaper to do the big wedding as ou wont need the £400 or so for the registrar to come do the official bit, paperwork etc. You can just have a big celebration! I agree that I wouldn't want a different surname to my child so I would either do deed poll or wedding, whichever suits you!
Myself and Hubby had a handfasting which is a Pagan marriage ceremony but is not a legally binding contract, like a commitment ceremony, we see ourselves as married and I will be changing my name by deed pole, not so the child can have it, he/she can have that anyway, I believe we are double barrelling so 'it' will have 2 names :)
my mum changed her name by deed poll to her oh's name. they had been together 6 years, she wanted rid of my dads name and they didnt wanna get married just show their commitment to each other so she changed it by deed poll.

was a quick visit, cost around £50. the longest bit was gettin her name changed on all her accounts etc!

if me and dh werent married, i would change my name to his. hated my surname (no-one could ever spell it even when i told them how to!) and always wanted a "normal" surname (dh is a Smith so can't get much more normal there!)
i couldnt do it, i want the actual marriage so im holding out for that lol but its quite common for ppl to do that instead now too so either one gets the end result the same
I got married but wanted to double barrel my surname so ended up paying for the deed poll anyway. I don't see anything wrong with it if that's what you want to do.
We've just discussed this as we are fully committed to each other but just don't feel the need to get married. We think we will one day but that won't be for a while so I am going to change my name to his by deed poll. I said from the very beginning I wanted the same name as my baby xxx
I think if you want the same name as baby when he/she arrives then go for it if its what you want.

i was looking into doing the same as you when i was pregnant with my daughter, we were engaged but had to wait to get married. I gave Ava-Mai her dads surname and we ended up getting married a year after anyway so it wasnt a long wait.
Once we got married i was told to go to the registry office where we can change my name on her bith certificate aswell so it all matched :)

Someone mentioned a registry office wedding only costing £110 which isnt bad at all and you could do it late afternoon and then have a disco/party in the evening if you still wanted to.
We spoke about this to - but the registry office is cheap and cheerful, I'll have a big day in years to come when we re-new our vows. I got a dress off ebay which cost £50! At the end of the day we will both be the same surname and a nice wee family! Cutest thing G ever said to me was 'I just want you to be my wife'. Lol xx
Hey hun I did the whole regustery office wedding and to be honest I loved every second of it just because it cost me £120 it was a beautiful day and the service was just right for us, luckily I got married just befor concieving so it's all good! But you need to do what's best for ur baby and urself xx
I'm thinking of changing mine by deed poll too, we have been together 10 year and having our 4th baby and i hate them all having a different name to me and now 2 are at school it's worse.

I know you can have a quickie wedding but I do want to get married one day and would rather wait and just change my name now xxxx
Thanks for all of your thoughts ladies! I dont want to get married just for the sake of being pregnant if that makes sense? Think I'm going to go ahead with deed poll. I hate my surname so its no loss! Then marriage can follow as and when. Our baby was planned so we were well aware we were doing everything backwards I suppose! x
I've been with my other half 11 gets in may but neither of us want to get married I see it as only a bit of paper and a ring so I changed my name and title by deed poll I wear a wedding band as does he and everyone thinks we are married and we don't correct them as we see ourselves as married as well we are commited to each other like we are married any way but it has to be the right thing for you if you want a wedding then I would wait until then if marriage isn't an issue then I would say do it if your both comfortable with it xxx
I dont think it always costs to change your name by deed poll. I changed my name by deed pole a few years ago and it didn't cost me a thing x

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