Changing milk...


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Right i've had enough! Casey keeps being sick after feeds, not winding, constipation etc and she is in pain. The HV or doc will not listen and they try to pass it off as 'too much formula in her bottle' - clearly because i'm only 23 and they think Im stupid (Little do they know this place is like my baby guide ha!).
So anyway I've tried everything including infacol, gripe water, I know for a fact that her feeds are made correctly because I'm the only one who does them (hubby works away!). I've tried sitting her up for 20 mins etc everything! Im at my wits end because my poor wee lassie has to constantly wear a bib because she will bring the milk up whenever! Her dirty nappies - when she manages to actually do a poo - is explosive! I mean complete change of
Clothes (I check her all the time so its not like shes just left!).
So - guesses on what this could be? Shes on Cow and Gate formula but I reckon as from tomorrow shes on another brand! Aptimal or sma?!
I hate seeing her in pain!

I use aptamil comfort and it's been brilliant
Perfect think i'll try that! I'm so annoyed :( xx

Tip is to make it will boiling water otherwise it is too thick to come through the teats!
It sounds like reflux hun but def try cow and gate comfort or aptimil comfort I'm shocked they haven't looked into it xx

Yeah it is boiling water that I use. its horrible - when I cant even put her down to sleep, go out the room them come back to her bedding covered and it all in her ear/hair etc. :( xx

SMA do a stay down milk, perhaps this could help? It has to be made with cool down boiled water and once it reaches the stomache it thickens so as it doesn't come back up x
My HV said cow and gate is very rich. If she still suffers on cows milk try soya hun. Since putting Bertie on it he's been a different baby, no diarrhoea or sickness and has gone from putting on 4oz a week to an average of 9oz a week lol. We use SMA Wysoy cos it has no dairy at all unlike some other soyas

Hope you find a solution soon xxxxxxx
Can't advise on the form as Tom was BF, but he did the same thing. I went to the docs and she gave me a prescription but that seemed to make matters worse.

THen at about ten weeks old it just stopped. I don't think I was doing anything differently - he still throws up a little bit now and again but nothing like the first few months....i was beside myself with worry. I just think it was immature digestive system...

(not much help i know, but just wanted to let you know that it gets better - if its the same thing).

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