Gripe Water - Cant get her to have it... any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Ellie really struggles bringing wind up, we've tried every position & winded her 4 ages but not alot comes up... it then works its way down makin her colicy & in loads of pain til it eventually comes out the bottom end lol

We tried infacol but didnt work so now on colief which has helped a bit, we wanna try gripe water after feeds to see if this helps but cant get her to take it on its own using bottle/dummy/syringe/cup she just spits it out. We've tried it with cooled boiled water but nope shes not interested... the only thing she will have it with is a full bottle of breast milk but that means me expressing every feed to enable me to give it her as she wont have it with just a little bit it has to be a full feed so its completely dilluted!

Any other ideas that we can try?
I used everything with stephen going and he was a bloody nightmare with wind and nothing seemed to work.Except my crazy row row row the boat style :rotfl:

if you were to use gripe water id use a spoon or a syringe.

Have you tried putting her on lap after feeding and gently rock her back and forward (row row the boat style!) or bouncing her gently on your lap? with both stephen and Imogen these worked better then the medicines and they did give good burps! I know they sound crazy, but you can give them a try.
medicine feeder...its like a bottle i still use them every feed :lol: can get them fro the £ shops :D
wow jo sounds like you are having fun with her if shes not burpng after being bounced :shock: in a few weeks this will diassapear.

And by 4 months wont need burping at all as thats when they starty doing it all by themselves
Its funny cos wen she has a good day she burp no probs sometimes even just when i sit her up then when shes having a colicy day that wind will not come up no matter what we do, then she ends up in loads of pain n eventually farts it all out... just gotta persevere i spose!

Haylii we've tried a few diff medicine feeders but she just spits it back out!
How long did you use Infacol for? only it is really meant to be one of the bests but it takes a while to work and you need to give it at every feed
We tried it for about 5days before every feed and it didnt do anything so HV advised we try colief as she said its better than infacol?
my DD didnt get on with gripe water at all, but then the bouncing on the knee did it.

DS was very bad though with wind and ended up colicy but we used infacol which helped a bit.

Hopefully she will get used to whatever your using jo and start to get better soon. Theres nothing worse then a windy baby in pain :( you feel useless until they pass there wind.

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